Before long, it was nearly time to leave. Emily’s room looked like a hurricane struck, clothing thrown in every which direction.
“Uncle Leo,” Emily shouted, “do you know where my winter jacket is? I can’t find it anywhere in my room.”
Heavy footsteps moved down the hallway and toward her room before his head poked through the doorway. “What are you looking for?” he asked.
“My winter coat,” Emily explained. “It might be freezing in Denver. Every time I check the weather app it seems to do a one-eighty between hot and cozy to freezing my butt off. I need a nice coat so I don’t turn into an icicle then melt into the landscape.”
“You get the dramatics from Uncle Joel, I’m sure,” Leo mumbled. “Have you checked the hallway closet? Joel puts everything there that he finds lying around the house, cluttering the room. You know how he is about having a clean living space.”
“Shoot. I didn’t think about the closet. That’s the last place I’d have put it,” Emily said and hurried down the hall. She paused and turned around. “Thank you, Uncle Leo,” she said, smiling softly before she turned again and hurried back to the coat closet by the front door.
There it was, along with several other pieces that had gone missing over the last few months. Gathering the items up, she hurried to her room, putting them into her suitcase with the other items she’d already packed.
“All ready to go?” Uncle Joel asked after knocking on her open door. Emily’s suitcase was settled by the door, and she was shoving her laptop and a few other small items into a large purse to use as her carry-on bag for the flight. She’d only flown one time before, as a child, and was feeling pretty anxious about tomorrow’s flight. Preparing in advance helped to ease the nerves, if only slightly.
“I’m as ready as I’m going to get. I don’t feel ready enough, but I don’t think anything is going to change that.”
“You’re just a worrywart, one of your endearing qualities we love,” Joel said. He walked into the room and pulled Emily to his side, squeezing her gently.
Emily rolled her eyes, but leaned into the embrace. She’d never turn down the love and affection Joel and Leo willingly gave her each and every day. A lot of people took their familial love for granted, but Emily knew how flimsy love and affection could be. It certainly hadn’t been strong enough to keep her mom in her life.
“How did talking to that boss of yours go? I know you were worried about having that conversation,” Joel asked, sitting down on the bed.
Emily sat beside him and clasped her fingers together, twisting them in her lap. “It was awful,” she admitted.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“I hate that man so much,” Emily burst out. “He’s such an entitled pig, and he acts like he owns us just because we don’t have college degrees. I really thought he was going to fire me, but he didn’t. I kind of hoped he would because then I could get unemployment.”
“There’s no reasoning with some people,” Joel agreed with a nod of his head. “I had to get an associate degree for my program, but some customers still treat me and my co-workers like dumb brutes because we work at an auto shop.”
“I can’t wait until I’m away from that man forever. After this conference I’m going to start looking for other options. I don’t think I can take even another month with him as my boss.”
“You know we support whatever you need to do. We’ve wanted you to quit that job for months now, and we can handle rent and bills while you search for another option.”
“I love you guys,” Emily said, leaning into her uncle. “I don’t know what I’d do without the both of you.”
Part 2
The Arrival
An excerpt from Emily Parker’s Whispers of the Heart
He whispers words among candles’ glow
Romance unfolds, he puts on a show
With gentle hands and gestures so sweet
Love’s tapestry’s made, I’m swept off my feet
The bouquet’s seen and a tender smile
Romance weaves its charming style
With every glance, closer to embrace
Love’s graceful dance, together in space