Emily dragged her feet down the ramp as she moved farther away from Miles and closer to reality. She glanced over her shoulder for one last look at him, but the flight attendant had closed the door behind her.
She moved on autopilot once inside, following the others until she reached row ten and squeezed past a woman wearing a Golden State Warriors jersey to get to her window seat.
Everything felt like a fever dream, snippets and clips here and there. The doors closed and the flight attendants did a safety briefing before the plane took to the air. Emily twisted her clasped hands to and fro, her mind a million miles away. She contemplated the absolutely perfect book conference she was leaving behind.
Once the plane settled, Emily reached beneath her seat and pulled out her laptop and a book. This was a perfect time to get some reading and writing done. She set her book aside, placed her laptop on the table in front of her, and opened her document to a blank page.
And stared.
And stared.
And stared.
After several minutes, Emily closed and put away the laptop, before she grabbed her book. She wasn’t in the right mindset to write, but that was okay, she could escape into a book world.
Except she couldn’t. Her brain wasn’t processing anything she read. Reading the same line at least ten times, she was no closer to understanding it than when she started. Miles and this situation had her all flustered and she didn’t know what to do.
Miles said he wanted to make things work. He talked about how the end of the conference didn’t have to be the end of their relationship. Emily wanted to believe him. She wanted to believe this could work. But how? It all seemed so far-fetched. He might’ve been enamored with her at the conference, but when she wasn’t there was he still going to care and want her, especially when surrounded by beautiful and accomplished women like Vanessa? Emily couldn’t compare.
She was sure Miles had good intentions. Great intentions. But the actual follow-through of trying to keep a long-distance relationship in tact seemed like it would never actually happen. Emily felt her heart sink at the thought. She wanted it to work. She wanted this relationship more than she’d ever wanted anything before, but she didn’t see how it could happen.
She spent the rest of the flight lost in thought, getting sadder and sadder the farther the plane took her from Denver, from Miles, and from her dream of a lasting relationship with Miles, and she couldn’t put a stop to her spiraling thoughts.
When the plane landed, Emily moved into the terminal on autopilot. She followed the crowd, engulfed in a cloud of melancholy, unsure how to make it go away.
“Em!” Joel’s familiar voice shouted. Her uncle stood right outside of security with a broad smile on his face, waving like a lunatic. Emily grinned, her first real smile since she left Miles, and hurried toward him. He pulled her into a crushing hug and spun her around in a full circle.
“I’ve missed you so much. Leo keeps saying the house isn’t the same without you there.”
“I’ve missed you too,” Emily said, really meaning it. Joel and Leo were her rocks, steady in all the crazy uncertainty of life. Steadiness was what she needed right now with this whole Miles situation.
Joel grabbed Emily’s carry-on bag from her arms and threw it over his shoulder. Emily grinned and bumped against him, thankful for his easy presence and the little ways he tried to make her life easier for her.
“So tell me all about the conference,” Joel urged, as they went to baggage claim to wait for her luggage.
Emily contemplated telling Joel about Miles, but decided against it. Instead she regaled him with tales of the beautiful hotel, the many signings, and other events she’d attended.
She relaxed as she fell into easy banter with Joel and headed home to Leo. This would be hard, but she’d be okay. She always was.
Part 7
After the Conference
An excerpt from Emily Parker’s Whispers of the Heart
Quiet moments, where hearts entwine
Silent echoes, a dance so divine
Skin to skin, ecstasies plea
His embrace, sets her soul free
Explosions of intimacy, letting her be
Chapter 45
Four Days Post Conference