Emily could see Miles’s confidence bolstered with each interaction. She watched as a teenage boy stepped up to Miles, holding his own battered copy of a book. “Hi there! I just wanted to say how much I love your work. Your stories have been such an inspiration to me,” he said.

Miles smiled warmly in response and said, “Thank you so much. I’m thrilled to hear that. What’s your name?”

“I’m Slade. I’ve been following your series since the beginning, and it’s been incredible watching the characters grow.”

Miles reached for the book and Slade handed it over without hesitation. As Miles flipped it open and started to sign, he said, “Slade, that means a lot. I’m glad you’ve been on this journey with my characters. Do you have a favorite moment or character?”

“Oh, definitely. I really love how Meade is written in your Crave series. I relate so much to that character and how he’s struggles with his neurodivergence as he takes on saving the world. It was so impactful and beautifully written.”

“Ah, Meade, I had such a blast writing that character. Thank you for sharing that with me. It’s readers like you who make writing so rewarding.”

“Thank you for creating this amazing world. Can I grab a quick photo with you?”

Miles nodded his head and came around the table. Slade handed his phone to Emily and she captured several photos of the two of them. Miles returned to his table and Slade went off to his next author, looking like he’d received the greatest gift of all time.

The signing continued with some longer interactions and some shorter ones. Emily’s favorite parts, though, were Miles’s reactions to it all. He seemed to truly love his fans, something not all authors shared. Without the fans, the authors were nothing, so she’d never understood how the authors couldn’t love and appreciate them.

Emily blinked and tried to hide her shock when the next fan stepped up to the table, wearing a shirt with Miles’s face printed on the entire front of it. She glanced over at him and nearly laughed at the shock that flickered over his face before he schooled it away, not wanting to offend his fan.

“Miles, I’m your biggest fan,” the woman said as she stepped up to the table.

“I’m so glad you were able to come to this conference to meet me, then,” Miles responded. He had his fake smile on full-force.

“Me too,” she responded. “Can I get a photo with you? I’d like a new shirt,” she said, completely serious.

“I’ll take a picture of the two of you,” Emily volunteered, holding out her hand for the phone. She was getting way too much pleasure out of the discomfort she could read in Miles’s body language.

Miles came around the table and stood next to the woman, who proceeded to wrap her arms around him. Emily snapped a few photos and handed the phone back.

“I’d love for you to sign my book,” the woman said, pulling a hardcover book out of her bag. Miles accepted the book.

“Anything special you’d like written in it?” he asked.

“Yes. Could you write: To Clarisse, May you always find passion in the abnormal. Love, Miles Parker?”

Miles blinked as he processed the request before he nodded his head and wrote out the exact phrasing requested.

“Thank you so much. This is what dreams are made of,” she said as she accepted her book and headed on her way.

“These signings don’t get boring it seems,” Emily mused. “You’re going to make quite the T-shirt for that woman.”

Miles grimaced and wrinkled his nose, before he laughed. “I don’t know why anyone would want my face on their shirt, but I love that she’s a fan.” He shook his head. There was no more time for discussion before he greeted the next fan in line.

All was running smoothly, until a flash of vibrant red hair sent dread pooling in Emily’s stomach. Two people down the line of Miles’s fans was Vanessa, looking as beautiful and put together as usual. She tapped her high-heeled foot as she waited with dainty arms crossed. Her red hair fell in perfect curls, cascading down her back and over her green sweater dress. Vanessa caught Emily’s eye and smirked in her direction before looking back at Miles once more. Emily frowned, jealousy clawing its way up her throat. She tamped down the feeling and continued her interaction with the current fan, setting them up to buy two new copies of Miles’s book.

Soon Vanessa was swaggering toward Miles, and he was directing that same PR smile her way. Emily wondered if she imagined the annoyed glint in his eyes.

“Baby, I’m so happy to see you here,” Vanessa said loudly as she approached the table. She leaned against the surface, exposing her ample cleavage in the diamond slit in her dress, putting that cleavage near Miles’s face.

“Hi Vanessa,” Miles replied, his voice lacking the enthusiasm she carried. “What are you doing here?”

“Is it a crime for me to want to see my favorite author at the book signing?”

“Of course not,” Miles said. “What would you like signed?”

“Well I’d love for you to sign me up for a date with you,” she said, fluttering her lashes.

“Vanessa, we’ve been over this. I have a girlfriend. I’m not going to date you. If you’d like a book signed, I have copies for sale,” Miles gestured to where Emily was waiting. Emily lifted a hand and gave a weak wave.