“I have to see them,” Emily exclaimed with a wide grin, her eyes sparkling.
“It was quite a sight,” Mason responded. “Miles was completely soaked from behind, a mass of brown, and in front he looked like he’d joined some kind of brown splatter art exhibit. Nothing was untouched.”
“Mom was horrified,” Miles admitted. “This was supposed to be a very classy dinner, and here she was bringing her two boys, with one of them looking like he literally rolled around with pigs.”
“Her boss was a champ though,” Mason said. “He acted like there was nothing at all out of place, despite requiring towels for Miles’s chair to prevent his muddy butt from staining it.”
Their waitress delivered their food, interrupting their easy banter, and Emily smiled as Miles thanked her and she went on her way. The easy banter continued while the group of three enjoyed their food. Several more stories were shared, and Emily felt like she’d gained another friend in the process.
“I’m absolutely stuffed. Thanks for inviting me out, and it was nice to meet you Emily,” Mason said. He pushed his plate away and yawned, feeling tired now that he’d filled his stomach. The group stood and made their way to the entrance.
“It was lovely to meet you,” Emily responded. She stepped forward and gave Mason a quick hug, followed by a smile.
“Let us walk you out, then you can be on your way,” Miles said as soon as the bill was squared away.
“Actually, I have an event I want to attend. You walk Mason out, and I’ll meet you in our room later tonight,” Emily said.
“Are you sure?” Miles asked. “It’s getting a bit late.”
Emily laughed. “I’m in the hotel for the conference. I’m as safe as can be. Yes, I’m sure.”
“Then I suppose I’ll see you later,” Miles conceded, following his brother out of the restaurant, and leaving Emily to head in her own direction. She was smiling the whole time she walked away. Each day kept getting better and better.
Chapter 27
Once Mason and Miles were gone, Emily headed out of the door and down the hall to the Mountain Pass Sports Bar. There was a Meet the Author cocktail hour she didn’t want to miss. She hadn’t recognized too many of the author names on the list, but that didn’t mean the event wouldn’t be worthwhile. There were definitely still connections to be made.
Emily stepped into the room, a bit overwhelmed by how crowded it was. She wasn’t late. The event wasn’t supposed to start for another ten minutes, but she underestimated how popular this would be and how many others would make it a priority to be here. She continued to glance around the room, looking for a space to sit.
In the corner she noticed a table for four with only two individuals. The thought of sitting at the same table as another group of people caused a knot in her stomach. But it was either that or go back to her room and miss the event. Squaring her shoulders, she headed over. She could do this.
Emily analyzed the two as she approached them. The older of the two had graying hair that reflected her many years. Smile lines around her face, showed how well those years had treated her. She was dressed comfortably and fashionably. Beside her was a younger woman, a daughter or daughter-in-law perhaps. She looked like the kind of person Emily sometimes wished she could be: a picture of beauty, elegance, and perfection. Her blond hair was artfully twisted into an updo, her makeup done to perfection, and her clothes tailored to fit her body. If this woman had been sitting alone, Emily never would’ve approached, but something about the older woman softened the duo and gave Emily the courage to move forward.
When Emily stepped in front of their table she drew in a deep breath and said, “Hello. May I sit in one of these spots?”
The two looked up at her, startled out of their own conversation. The older of the two smiled kindly and replied, “Of course. My name is Katherine, and this is my daughter-in-law, Amy. It’s so nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet the two of you,” Emily said. “I’m Emily. I didn’t realize how busy this cocktail event was going to be.”
“It’s wild,” Amy said with a laugh. “This is our first book conference, and of course I expected it to be busy, but I didn’t expect it to be quite this busy.”
“I love it,” Katherine said. “It’s so full of life and energy. I can’t wait to go home and tell Joseph all about it. I think I’ll drag him along next time. He’d get a kick out of the experience.”
“We could make it a family trip,” Amy responded with a chuckle. “Lucas would probably not love it, but he loves me enough to suck it up and be a good sport about the whole experience.”
“The Anderson boys really are the best,” Katherine said with a soft smile. “Lucas would never turn you down if you asked him to join.”
“It sounds like you guys have a large family,” Emily said, trying to make conversation with her tablemates.
“You don’t know the half of it,” Amy said. “I had no idea what I was getting into when I married into the family, but I wouldn’t change any of it for the world. Joining this family has been the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
“The big family makes me feel so complete and loved,” Katherine agreed. “No such thing as quiet holidays, or lonely moments, when you’re surrounded by children and grandchildren.”
“My family is small,” Emily admitted. “Growing up I used to wish I had siblings and cousins to liven things up.”
“You can become an honorary Anderson, at least for the weekend,” Katherine proclaimed. She placed a hand on Emily’s, resting on the table. Her eyes sparkled with life. “There’s only the two of us here this weekend, but we’ll give you a taste of our family life. We have big enough personalities to make up for five people each.”
“Emily Anderson, I like the sound of it,” Amy teased.