“How did you end up dating her in the first place? You don’t seem to like her.”

“It’s complicated,” Miles hemmed. He set his phone in his pocket and then leaned against an open wall by one of the exhibits and glanced to the side. “Vanessa has her flaws, but she also has a lot good to her. Our good and our bad just didn’t mesh. We brought out the worst in each other.”

“If you could go back and make it work, would you?” Emily asked. She pressed against the wall next to him, their arms touching, though they were both looking forward into the crowd.

“I wouldn’t take back the relationship we had,” Miles admitted, “But everything happened for a reason and I’m happy with where I’m at today. Now enough about me and my sad love life. What did you think of your first museum experience?” Miles asked.

“I think I need to visit another museum in the near future; it was amazing. I can’t believe I haven’t gone before, but I won’t make that mistake again.”

“Based on that answer, do you want an art tour of another variety?”

“What does that mean?”

“It means we need to head to the River North Art District, and I’m going to blow your mind for the second time this afternoon.”

“How could I turn down an offer like that?”

Miles and Emily made their way out of the art museum and back toward their SUV and driver. Miles gave directions and they were on their way.

“When did you discover the artistic side of Denver?” Emily asked as the car meandered through the streets. “I can’t imagine teenage Miles was too interested in the vibrant and beautiful masterpieces.”

“Teenage Miles was a bit too interested in other things,” Miles agreed with a chuckle. “But adult Miles, who came back for book conferences and events, was very interested.”

“I don’t know much about teenage Miles, but adult Miles has been pretty fun this weekend,” Emily said. She glanced out the car window to hide the pink coloring her cheeks. The world was coming to a halt outside of the window as their vehicle pulled to the side and rolled to a stop.

“Finally here,” Miles said. He opened his door and jumped out. Emily did the same on her side and met him at the sidewalk. “Welcome to the River North Art District.”

“What exactly is the River District?” she asked.

“Seeing is a better explanation,” He guided Emily down the sidewalk past several street performers and businesses. Emily opened her mouth to ask another question, but the words caught in her throat as they rounded a bend and she came face to face with the most gorgeous mural she’d ever seen. Vibrant paint bloomed over the brick surface of the building, continuing in swirls and swoops down the wall. The image transitioned into another and another as the wall continued.

Emily walked through the crowds, entranced. She barely paid heed to the couples seated under umbrellas enjoying a meal or the twinkling lights hanging between the buildings, captivated by the imagery and the beauty encapsulated on the wall.

“This was a winning choice, huh?” Miles mused, his hot breath against the shell of her ear.

“How are you going to top it?” Emily teased.

“Well I could feed you,” Miles said, looking pointedly at her grumbling stomach.

“That would be nice,” she said with a laugh. She wrapped her arms around her stomach and turned away from the current mural and toward Miles.

Chapter 23

“What kind of food are you in the mood for?” Miles asked, guiding Emily back through the street, hand on the small of her back, toward their waiting SUV.

“What are the options? I know the hotel has lots of choices, but I’m not familiar with everything available,” Emily admitted.

Miles listed the restaurants he remembered and the types of food available at each of them. Emily pressed her lips together and bit at her bottom lip as she contemplated her options. “I’d prefer Italian,” she admitted, adding, “but I’m happy to eat anything if you have a different preference.”

“Italian sounds wonderful. I’m glad you chose and didn’t say ‘I don’t know’ or ‘you pick’ without actually meaning it. That’s one of my biggest pet peeves.”

Emily laughed, “Uncle Joel and Uncle Leo are adamant that good communication is key in any kind of successful relationship.”

“Good advice,” Miles agreed.

The journey back to the hotel was accomplished in record time, and soon they were at Vista Montagne.

He requested a table and the two of them were soon seated with menus in hand. “So, you heard all about me and my past relationship drama with Vanessa, it’s my turn to hear some from you.”