His gentle touch, my longing sighs
His soft caresses are sweet lullabies
My yearning heart whispers a plea
For his love’s embrace to set it free
Fingers tracing paths like sweet dreams
Our longing hearts, bright as moon beams
Aching for love’s tender grace
Embracing warmth among embrace
Chapter 19
“Darling,” Emily turned toward that voice and felt her throat go dry at the sight before her. Miles stood there in all of his delicious glory in nothing but a towel.
“M—Miles, what’s going on?” Emily asked. She tried to keep her eyes on his face, but she couldn’t help letting them stray lower and lower.
“You can look if you’d like,” he said with a smirk. He stepped closer. Closer. His body was pressed against Emily.
“What’s going on?”
“I can’t get you out of my head,” Miles whispered in her ear. He pressed a kiss to her ear and she felt like melting.
Emily placed her hands on his chest and looked into his eyes. “I’ve been feeling the same way,” she admitted. “There’s just something about you.”
“Then we better do something about these feelings,” he said. He pressed a kiss to Emily’s neck, nipping and sucking the smooth surface.
“I d-don’t know,” Emily responded, stuttering as Miles hit a sensitive spot.
“We’re both consenting adults. Let yourself live,” Miles murmured, pressing a light kiss to her ear.
“Why me?”
“Why not you? You’re beautiful, sweet, sassy, smart, and everything in between,” Miles whispered. He lifted one of her legs and pushed her back against a wall. “I’d be crazy not to want you.”
“Ravish me,” Emily demanded, wrapping her arms around his neck, partially to keep balance, but also because she felt herself slipping and that felt like her only purchase into the real world, into sanity.
“I thought you’d never ask, darlin’,” he said, his voice taking on a husky tone that sent shivers down her spine. Emily gasped as his hand slipped beneath her robe, massaging her ass. She couldn’t help but squirm as that probing hand moved to the front and pressed against her aching clit.
Emily threw her head back as lightning bolted through her body. She reached one shaky hand down to grab hold of his dick and pumped up and down.
“Emily,” he gasped.
She glanced up at him. “Yes?”
“Do you smell coffee?”
“What?” Emily asked, completely confused. She looked up at him and realized that yes, she did smell coffee. Emily blinked and felt the dream shift into reality. Reality where a fully clothed Miles was setting a steaming Starbucks cup of coffee next to her on the nightstand. She groaned and buried her face in her pillow. How could she look at him after that? She desperately wanted to go back to sleep and right back into the dream that was so much better than reality.
Chapter 20
When Emily agreed to follow Miles’s lead and plans last night she didn’t factor in that he was an obnoxious morning person. She probably wouldn’t have agreed if she knew it would mean her own early morning wake-ups. But here she was, sitting up in bed, yawning the sleep from her eyes, holding the Starbucks coffee cup he’d handed her in the sweetest and most infuriating wake-up in history.
Miles was already at the little table in their room, typing away on his computer. His glasses were sliding down his nose, and she could see the tip of his tongue poke out of his mouth as he concentrated on his current line. If he wasn’t so darn cute, she was sure she’d be angrier about this wake-up call, but how could she be mad waking up to the face of a Greek god holding coffee as a peace offering?