Chapter 9

“That obnoxious jerk,” Emily mumbled, glaring down at her coffee-covered sweater. She didn’t have enough clothes to wear at this conference if she kept getting coffee spilled on them. She’d have to enquire about hotel laundry services. She stomped to her purse, pulled out her phone, and flipped to her contacts. She needed someone to vent to. Scrolling down to the P’s, she clicked on Joel’s name.

The phone rang, and she tapped her feet as she anxiously waited for a response. Emily couldn’t contain the giant smile that erupted at his soft-spoken greeting.

“Uncle Joel, it’s so good to hear your voice.” She leaned back in the chair and bit into a scone from the breakfast tray, closing her eyes in bliss as the chocolate chips melted on her tongue.

“Hey, Sweet Pea,” Joel said. “I’m glad you called! I knew you made it safe, but you never let me know how the trip went.”

“Well, traveling is never great, but I’m here and I’m excited,” Emily said, her shoulders relaxing. It felt like the world had been hitting her with one thing after another and it was so freeing to finally hear from Joel. It was grounding.

“What made you call so early? Your first workshop isn’t until later in the day the last I heard. You’re usually sleeping at this time unless work forces you up.”

“That’s quite the story,” Emily responded, rolling her eyes.

“Well you know I love a good story,” he teased.

“You always were a gossip,” Emily said with a laugh. She told him about her arrival the night before, the forced sharing of the room, the unfortunate wake-up, and finally the coffee mishap. Joel, being the great listener he was, hummed and commiserated at all of the right places. By the end of sharing her tale, Emily had a huge grin on her face and finally felt like she wasn’t going to explode.

“Give me his name; I’m going to look him up,” Uncle Joel said.


“My far-too-beautiful niece is sharing a room with a man. I want to make sure you’re okay,” he told her.

She chuckled. “I was having the same thoughts, but trust me Uncle Joel, the last thing this man is thinking about is sex with me. He looks at me like I’m gum stuck on the bottom of his shoe.”

“I know how male brains think. Humor me and give me his information. I’ll have my buddy at the police station run his name to make sure he doesn’t have a record.”

“Have I told you how much it means to me that you love me so?” I say before giving him Miles’s name.

“It’s my job to care for you.”

“It’s the job you took on because of my worthless mother. I’m an adult now.”

He chuckled again. “It doesn’t matter how old you get, you’ll always be a little girl to me.”

“I adore you.”

“Ditto. Now, if the man turns out to be a good guy, don’t bite the poor guy’s head off just because you aren’t a morning person,” Joel teased.

“Ha ha, very funny,” Emily replied sarcastically. “Though it might be a bit too late for that.”

“Look on the bright side,” Joel said. “You’re going to see Sav R. Miller, Pippa Grant, and Ruth Cardello.”

“That’s why I’m still here,” Emily gushed. “I plan to listen to each of them on a panel, and I’m on the list for their signings so I’ll get their latest releases as signed copies.”

“I’m surprised you don’t already have their latest books,” Joel responded. “Aren’t you signed up for each of their newsletters?”

“I am. I actually already have Sav R. Miller’s latest book, which is fantastic. So I’m going to have her sign it. But I found out about this conference before the other books were released, so I held off to get my signed copies here.”

“I want to hear a play-by-play whenever you have a moment,” Joel demanded in a very undemanding way.

“You know you’re my favorite person to talk things through with,” Emily responded.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way. Kiddo, I’ll have to talk to you later. Uncle Leo is calling me and needs a little assistance.”

“Alright, love you,” Emily said. “Give Leo my love as well!”