“Next time,” Emily huffed. She pulled her legs up on the bed and wriggled around to get under the covers. Below her she could hear Miles shifting and moving as well. Miles must’ve turned the fan on the lowest setting. Emily rolled over in the bed and turned it up another notch, hoping to drown out any potential noise Miles would make. What if he snored?
Below her Miles let out a loud huff and rolled over again. Emily rolled, facing the window and away from him. She kept her eyes open, staring at the black wall, feeling like sleep was a million miles away.
She twisted into the pillow and inhaled a spicy male scent that unbelievably caused a little stirring in her stomach. What in the actual hell? She sat up, pushed the pillow away, and grabbed another one. This must’ve been the one he’d been lying on when she’d found him in her bed. There was absolutely no way she wanted to have any sort of lustful thoughts toward the rude man who was wrecking her vacation. She didn’t know him, didn’t know what he was capable of.
She twisted again. She heard him grumble. He was most likely having as difficult a time getting to sleep as she was. She forced herself to stop moving. As exhausted as she was, she knew it was going to be hard to fall asleep. She twisted one final time and lay on her back so she wouldn’t catch more of Miles’s scent. She closed her eyes and refused to allow them to open again. She’d fall asleep even if she had to count a thousand sheep. One . . . two . . . three . . .
Part 3
Conference Day 1
An excerpt from Emily Parker’s Whispers of the Heart
He whispers softly and love takes flight
Hearts embrace by morning light
From distant gazes too intertwined
Falling deeply, souls redefined.
In every laugh, melody rings
Love’s symphony where passion sings
Embracing fears wearing vulnerability’s guise
Together they soar, beneath love’s skies
With open arms and souls set free
They dance in love’s sweet reverie
Chapter 8
Wet warmth encompassed him, pulsing pleasure through every pore of his body. Miles hummed into the sensation. He threw his head back and drew in a shaky breath, feeling the tip of his dick hit the back of her throat. If he thought that was good, his mind was blown when she swallowed around him, his body clenching in ecstasy.
Miles tangled his hands in thick black curls, so soft and silky. He almost came apart when she hummed against his length, the vibrations sending pleasure through every nerve. He used one shaky hand to pull aside the plush blankets, revealing large green eyes staring at him so teasingly as plump pink lips were stretched over his flesh.
Miles used his grip on her hair, pulled her head up, and pressed his lips to hers. Lips and tongues battled for dominance, a battle Miles easily conquered. Emily mewled under his onslaught, opening further to his probing.
Miles continued to kiss those pink lips as he ran his hands down her back and over her smooth ivory skin. He used one hand around her back to pull her more tightly against him, dragging her up to straddle his lap. He ground into her, smirking into the kiss when her breath hitched.
Miles’s other hand crept to the front, where he cupped one perfect breast and then brought his fingers in to swirl over her rosy nipples, pinching and teasing. He moved his hand down her navel, feather touches skimming over her belly button, and across her smooth body to the top of her spread thighs.
Emily moaned into his mouth and her body arched against his touch. She released her grip on his head and reached down, forcing his hand to press into her. Miles rubbed back and forth, already feeling her body slick with desire.
Two fingers easily slid inside, and Miles twisted and curled them up, enticing a mewl out of her. He groaned as he continued his assault on the bundle of nerves that would slowly drive her to insanity.
“Yes, yes, yes,” Emily pleaded.
Miles pulled out then lined himself up, pre-cum leaking from his tip. He pressed forward . . . and hit a wall . . . the literal wall. His eyes flew open, and he found himself alone, cold, and aching from sleeping on the floor.
Miles sighed and counted to ten before he rolled onto his back. His nose scrunched in annoyance at the hard floor digging into his shoulder blades and the even harder member of his anatomy demanding attention. He looked up at the bed and frowned at the lump he knew to be Emily. He was the one who’d offered her the bed, but damn did he miss the plush surface that he’d started the night sleeping on. His mom would have his head if she knew he made a young lady sleep on the floor, though. He couldn’t do it.
Miles reached up to the bedside table and grabbed his phone, flipping to his email. He enjoyed the early morning and getting some productive work done first thing. It helped that he could do this still wrapped in blankets and waking up, though he was considering getting up and moving to the shower for a bit before finding a chair instead of staying on the floor, because his back wasn’t appreciating this sleep space. He didn’t necessarily want to wake Emily, but there was only so much time that he could remain like this.
Above him on the bed, Emily shifted. Miles glanced up. Was she an early riser like he was? That would be perfect for this weekend. Now that it was morning, he had a feeling they were going to be roommates for the duration of the conference. Emily’s shifting continued, until a blanket-covered body tumbled from the bed right into his lap. Miles gasped as the air was slammed from his chest, and Emily started wriggling to try to break herself loose, though the tangle of blankets was making that a difficult endeavor.