She tensed when she went to step in, anticipating cool water. She was pleasantly surprised to find the pool could be a hot tub itself. Behind her, she heard Miles stepping into the water and grinned when he released a surprised gasp. She wasn’t the only one anticipating a chilly descent.

Emily turned, feeling the water ripple around her abdomen. She swung an arm out, lifting a wave of water toward Miles, who floundered like a fish in shock. Emily chuckled and moved deeper into the water, away from potential retaliation.

“That’s an act of war, m’lady,” Miles said. He lifted an arm and wiped at his face, smearing the water over his forehead and pulling his hair back.

“That may be so,” Emily replied, still wading away from him. “But you have to catch me to wage war.”

“Challenge accepted,” Miles said with a smirk. He dove forward, sliding smoothly beneath the crystalline surface. Emily squealed as his hands wrapped around her ankles and with a smooth tug she lost her footing, falling beneath the surface. They both emerged from the water, Emily laughing and wiping her eyes now.

“She thinks soaking me is amusing,” Miles said dramatically. He placed a hand to his chest as though fatally wounded.

“Very amusing,“ Emily agreed with a cheeky grin.

Miles shifted forward and swept Emily off of her feet, lifting her above the water. She squealed in surprise and kicked her feet, though that did nothing to free her from the embrace. His free hand danced along her ribs and Emily shrieked and tried to squirm away.

“I give,” she shouted through her laughter.

“How do I know you’re not just saying that?” Miles mused with a smirk, hands teasingly moving across her skin, just short of going back to their tickling.

“You just have to trust me?”

“Trust the woman who turned on me and splashed me so fiercely? I think not!”

“Then I suppose we’re still at war,” Emily proclaimed. She squirmed, breaking free from his grasp, and swung her arm, splashing a wave of water toward Miles. He balked, flailing to escape the barrage. Emily giggled and turned, swimming away.

Miles dove beneath the water on the offense, ready to attack once more. He was brutal in his efficiency and before long he had Emily shouting, “I give; you win!”

Miles chuckled, “Would you like to move this to the hot tub?”

Emily glanced toward the stone structure. The group of people who occupied that space earlier were gone. Emily glanced around, suddenly aware that she and Miles were very alone in the space.

“The hot tub would be nice,” she replied. Miles turned toward the exit and swam to the wall in three easy strokes. Emily watched the muscles of his back ripple. She shook herself out of the daze and hurried to follow. By the time she reached the wall, Miles was already pulling himself out. He turned and held out a hand. His eyes were sparkling, and his face was lit up by a smile that she’d love to look at every day for the rest of her life.

“Thank you,” Emily murmured as she accepted the offered hand. Miles easily pulled Emily from the water. She stumbled over the step, falling against his chest.

“You okay, darling?”

Emily looked away, her cheeks pinking. She pulled back and quickly nodded her head. Miles maintained his grip on her hand and gently tugged her toward the stone tub. It looked absolutely heavenly.

“Hot tubs are the best,” Emily said as she sank into the heated pool. She felt her muscles go limp as the heat forced her to relax. “If I ever become a millionaire, this will be my first purchase.”

Miles chuckled, “You don’t have to wait to be a millionaire to buy a hot tub.”

Emily shrugged. “Maintenance of these things is expensive. You’re a best-selling author, do you happen to have a hot tub?”

“That’s one luxury I’m lacking,” Miles admitted.

“What luxuries do you prioritize, then?” Emily asked.

“I have a robust library and writing space,” Miles admitted. “And a to-die-for view from that space on the mountain overlooking a wooded area.”

“That sounds peaceful,” Emily said. “You just need the hot tub to complete the picture.”

“Well if the lady insists,” Miles teased.

The two of them relaxed in the tub long enough to start pruning. Miles stretched his arms over his head and was first to exit the space, “I suppose we should head back to the room.”

“I suppose,” Emily replied. She followed him out of the tub, no longer feeling the anxiety of being exposed to him that was so prominent earlier. They grabbed their clothing and wrapped themselves in towels.