Miles pressed his shoulder against hers as he took a moment to think through his response. “I think it’s wild that you haven’t been published already.”

“You’re not just saying that, are you?” Emily whispered. She glanced at Miles beneath her lashes, pausing her work.

“I don’t say things just to say them,” Miles promised. He leaned in close, his forehead a scant hand width from her own. “Your poetry is rife with magic and feeling and I loved every second of reading it. I read that entire document from start to finish and I couldn’t bring myself to stop.”

Emily flushed and turned back to the packet work. “Thank you,” she murmured. She dropped the book in her hand, flustered by the compliment, and picked it up again, getting into the flow of work once more. Miles was still for a moment before he picked up the pace beside her again. Emily kept sneaking glances at Miles, but he seemed as cool and unaffected as ever. She wished she could feel the same way.

With both of them working together, they made good time and finished well before Miles needed to get them to his station. Once the last of the packets was placed into a box on a rolling cart set aside for this purpose, the two headed out the door to deliver them to his table so they’d be ready for the event.

Miles and Emily came out of their door face to face with a tall man who was exiting the room across the hall from them. He had a broad grin on his face. “The man of the hour emerges!”

“The man of the hour?” Miles asked. He wondered if this was a fan of one of his works.

The man raised his eyebrows in response, “You know, when you were breaking beds the other night.”

Miles let out a surprised guffaw, and shook his head, though amusement lit his eyes. Emily on the other hand was mortified, and her face flamed bright red, her mouth opened in shock and surprise.

Emily grabbed Miles’s arm and dragged him to the elevator, getting as far from the other rooms and the teasing people within them as possible.

Miles continued to chuckle. “Ready to break some more beds with me tonight?” he teased with a wink. He had no right to look that adorable or sexy while causing her mortification.

“Are you ready to fall off the bed this time instead?” Emily responded, shoving his shoulder. He might as well be made of stone for all the shove actually did.

“I’ll fall off the bed anytime this week if it means I started the evening sharing it with my lovely girlfriend,” Miles responded. He brushed a hand along her arm, sending tingles down her spine. Emily shook her head, trying to clear the fuzz from her thoughts. She wished he was calling her his girlfriend for real instead of for this silly ruse, but that was a foolish thought, and entertaining it was even more foolish.

Emily and Miles continued down the hall and finally entered the conference room where the signing would take place. Fans weren’t allowed in the space yet, but the authors and personal assistants were abuzz, making sure that final touches were ready for one of the big signing events. Books were being placed on tables, signs hung up, and tablecloths smoothed out over the hard surfaces.

Emily felt a bit star-struck as she followed Miles through the room. He had to stop her from running into more than one table as she got caught up in staring. Miles kept a hand on the small of Emily’s back, helping to steer her toward his own table where they’d get some of the work done.

“I absolutely love Pippa Grant’s work,” Emily mused as they passed some of the contemporary romance and romantic comedy tables.

“What do you love about her work in particular?”

“Are you asking to make fun of me?” Emily asked. She squinted at Miles, attempting to discern his intentions.

“I’m asking because I value your opinion,” Miles responded. “I’m not going to make fun of anything about you.”

“You were a bit disparaging about romance that first day,” Emily said after a moment. “It also makes me wonder what you think about my poetry, because I write with a theme of love and romance.”

Miles came to an abrupt halt, turning to face Emily. His eyebrows drew together and a frown deepened his usually serene face. He lifted a hand to Emily’s chin, his thumb brushed over her chin, and his pointer finger lifted her head so she was looking him directly in the eyes. Brown met hazel.

“Your poetry is absolutely amazing, darling,” Miles whispered, staring into the swirling chocolate depths. “Know that I don’t think anything but the best of them, and the best of the person amazing enough to write such beautiful work.”

“You really mean that?” Emily whispered. She brought a hand up, gently cupping his hand holding her chin.

“I mean every word,” Miles responded. “I’ve been negative about romance in the past, and I’m sorry that made you doubt yourself, but you should know that talking to you and knowing you has helped me see life through a whole new lens, and I’d love to continue on that trend.”

“I’d love to help you with that,” Emily admitted.

Miles pulled away, sliding his hand along her cheek in a soft embrace before he was moving again, his arm slipping seamlessly into place around the small of her back to lead her once more.

“So, Pippa Grant?”

“Nobody does character building and humor as good as her,” Emily admitted. “Every story that she tells is so fun. I love each and every one of her books that she’s released.”

“Maybe I’ll try one out,” Miles mused.

Emily rolled her eyes.