Page 9 of When You're Gone

“What is it?” Amelia asked.

“We found this in the victim’sinside pocket,” the man said, holding up a bloodied piece of paper in hisblue-gloved hand.

Finn shone his flashlight on it."Pendegrast's Curiosities. It's a handwritten receipt for something, butthe blood has obscured most of the writing."

Amelia took out her phone and gazedat it while prodding in some information. “It’s a shop in Torley Town. It’s notfar.” Amelia grinned.

“Well,” Finn said. “Make that threetrails of breadcrumbs then.”

Amelia looked at her watch. “Ifwe’re fast, we might catch them before closing.”

“I’m game if you are,” Finnoffered.

Amelia turned towards the exit.“Let’s find out what Luc Henshaw was buying before he died.”


Finn tapped the steering wheelrhythmically as they pulled up outside a cluttered antique shop, its windowsfilled with an assortment of bric-a-brac from another era. The sign above thedoor read 'Pendergast's Curiosities,' letters curling with faux nostalgia.

"Lucas Henshaw's last knownpurchase was from here," Amelia said, unfolding a piece of paper with thelist of artifacts. "If only these objects could talk..."

"Winters, if you start tellingme you’re having conversations with objects," Finn replied, his gaze sharpas he surveyed the street before getting out of the car, “I may have to callthe men in white coats.”

“If I get committed before you,then it must be the end times,” Amelia replied.

Stopping outside of the shop, Finnpeered in through the window. He could see various pieces of antiques staringback at him like an old Jules Verne story. Antiques, old places, and historyhad always fascinated him since he was a kid. It was part of what thrilled himabout the cases in the UK. There was always ancient history nearby, addingsomething different to the mix.

“This place looks great!” he saidexcitedly.

Amelia touched his arm. “Murderinvestigation first, wasting money later.”

Finn nodded. “But I am definitelycoming back here.”

“I don’t doubt it.”

The bell above the antique shopdoor jingled discordantly as they entered. The air was thick with the scent ofaged wood and metal polish. A man in his late sixties, wearing a waistcoat thathad seen better days, peered at them through round spectacles perchedprecariously on his nose. His eyes held a flicker of recognition.

"Arthur Pendergast?" Finnasked.

"Indeed," the old mananswered, his voice carrying the gravel of years passed. "And to what do Iowe the pleasure of this visit?"

"Detective Wright, and this isInspector Winters with the Home Office," Finn introduced, flashing his newconsulting detective badge.

“Oh my,” the man said, seemingsomewhat flustered. “How can I help you? I… I assure you I do not deal instolen goods.”

"I'm sure you don't,"Amelia said. "But we were hoping you could tell us about thisreceipt." Amelia held up the receipt, which was now housed in a clearpiece of plastic.

“Is that blood?” Pendergast saidwith a gasp.

“I’m afraid so,” answered Finn.

Amelia handed the receipt to theman. “Do you remember any of this? It was found on the body of a man we believeto be Lucas Henshaw,”

“Oh no! That's just terrible!”Pendergast said, shaking his head in disbelief. “I knew Mr Henshaw somewhat. Hebought a few things from me over the years. I'm so sad to hear this. How did ithappen?”

“What can you tell us about him?”Amelia asked, moving straight into her questions.

“He was a businessman, but that’sabout as much as I know. He was always quite pleasant to deal with,"Pendergast mused, leaning back against a counter laden with pocket watches andcompasses. "He had quite the eye for the eclectic, if I remember rightly.Interested in Victorian and pre-Victorian pieces."