“How did she get into the arena?” I ask.
Rake shakes his head. “Not sure. Maybe she has Chuck’s key card? Remember he said he couldn’t find his?”
I bury my face in my hands after accepting another LEGO from Lukas. I almost forget to pat his head and thank him and only do so when he stubbornly stands there waiting, his hands on his hips.
Damn, kids are sassy these days.
“Whatever way she found out, Lucy’s really hurt,” Rake says. “Petal told me the whole story in great detail. I’m not supposed to tell you that, but what’s the harm? A man needs to know what he’s up against.”
“Dude, what was your exit plan with this? Were you really going to dump her at ninety days?” Jonas asks.
Is he really asking me that? “Of course not. Jesus, you guys must think I’m a real loser. What I was going to do was keep dating her. She’d never find out about the bet because we’d all forget it ever happened. Everyone would live happily ever after and you guys would not breathe a word.”
Rake nods. “Could have been a solid plan. Except, it didn’t work.”
“It was my plan until I found out I was subject number one for her book on asshole men. Guys, you should have seen her notes. Apparently, she thinks I’m a womanizer, cheater, liar, you name it. After all the fun times we had together, that’s what she thinks of me. I’m no angel, I know that, but boy was I played.”
“Wow. That’s a lot,” Jonas says, nodding.
“Look, Ty,” Rake says, “you’re the best. You’re my buddy, and I care about you. But you’re not all that great. I mean, you are kind of a dick.”
I laugh in spite of myself. There’s nothing like being told you’re an asshole by your buddies to know they really love you.
“Do you like her?” Jonas asks, passing Jace to Rake.
He’d never admit it, but Rake loves babies.
“Of course he likes her. Are you kidding?” Rake says.
Jonas comes back with another beer for me. “Okay. How much do you like her?”
I hesitate. “I liked her enough to keep dating her past the ninety-day bet. Yes, it started out as not much more than a fling. But that changed.”
“Look at him,” Rake says to Jonas, “he’s clearly smitten. Maybe even in love. Have you ever seen our boy like this?”
I don’t argue. The man is right.
“Well, do you?” Jonas asks.
“Do I what?”
He rolls his eyes. I know what he’s getting at. I just don’t know if I’m ready to say it out loud, especially in front of these guys. I want to blame them for the mess I’m in. But when it comes down to it, it’s all on me. Not them, or anybody else.
“Playing coy is not a good look on you, Ty. Stop acting like you can do better than Lucy. Because you can’t.”
Fuck me. If everyone knew how great she was, what were they doing letting me carry on with our stupid bet?
What a set-up. It’s like they were trying to teach me a lesson. Which I am sure they were not, because these guys are just not that smart.
But Rake does have a point.
“I hear that. I hurt the woman. And she doesn’t deserve that. Even if she is writing a book about what an asshole I am.”
Fuck, that makes no sense.
“Bottom line, Ty. Are you gonna walk away? Chalk this up to experience? Start dating the next puck bunny who spreads her legs for you?”
While I’m thinking, little Lukas tires of sharing his LEGOs with me and crawls into my lap. He leans his head back against my chest, takes a deep breath, and closes his eyes.