Page 46 of From Fling to Ring

“Yeah, we haven’t had an emergency meeting like this since Petal had some issue with Rake. What was that about, again?” Gilly asks.

I lick my spoon clean before I answer. “She thought he was being traded to another team and was freaking because he hadn’t told her anything about it yet.”

Petal rolls her eyes. “Please don’t remind me of that. I know I overreacted, but at the time, it was hard.”

Gilly snorts. “Yeah, especially because you were already married to him.”

“Well, we’re here for Lucy today,” Petal says, side-eyeing Gilly. “What’s going on, Lu? Tell us everything. It’s not more bum-scraping thongs, is it? PMS? A bad horoscope reading? Or is your assne back?” She snickers.

“Ew. You’re so gross,” Gilly whines. “Is assne even a thing?”

Petal’s eyes widen and she nods hard. “Totally. Haven’t you ever had a zit on your butt?”

Grimacing, Gilly sets down her ice cream. “Please, can we not talk about butt zits?”

“Well, you asked, Gills,” Petal says, her mouth full of Phish Food.

I wave my hands around to get their attention. “Guys. We’re here for me. Let’s focus.”

They sit up straight and nod.

Oh, but where to start? They know I’m seeing Tyler. They do not know I am supposedly writing a book about his douchebag ways. I can’t share that, though. Petal will tell Rake, and he’ll tell Tyler, and there goes my book.

I’m going to rot in hell for this.

So I decide not to be entirely truthful. I’m not lying, per se, just not telling the whole story.

“Well, guys, there might be layoffs at work.”

“Oh. That. I thought this was about a real problem,” Gilly says with an eye roll.

I steal a bite of her ice cream and she flicks me on the arm with her spoon. “This is a real problem, Gills. Although I sorta kinda might have a solution.”

“There you go,” Petal says, clapping her hands. “And you know, Lu, if you ever fall on hard times, I’m here for you.”

Okay, now I have a lump in my throat. “Thank you, Petal. But you know I’d never take you up on that.”

Gilly slaps my thigh. “Why not? You know Petal’s family has more money than God. If she’s offering to help and you need it, don’t be proud. And look, I have a little money put away. I can give you some too.”

Shit. Here come the tears. “You guys. Thank you. I don’t think it will come to that but thank you.”

Petal squeezes my hand. “Of course, girl. We’ve been friends all our lives. We got you.”

I drop my face into my free hand, embarrassed that, one, my friends are so good to me, and two, that I am about to lie my ass off to them.

“But hey, it sounds like you might have a plan or something?” Petal says.

“Yes, right.” I need to be careful here. Give some information, but not all of it. “I… well, my boss is encouraging me to… write a book.”

Petal and Gilly squeal and clap their hands.

“A book about what?” Gilly asks.

I knew this one was coming. And I’m ready with a sort-of answer.

“I’m still playing around with ideas in my head.”

That’s true.