Page 38 of From Fling to Ring


Moments later, I open my eyes to watch him strip off his sweats. His hard cock pops into view, unrestricted by underwear.

“Look at you, going commando.”

“What can I say?” he asks, positioning himself between my legs. “I left the house in a hurry.”

He strokes himself a couple times and notices me watching. “You like what you see?” he asks, his eyes heavy-lidded.

I nod coyly. “Maybe.”

He smirks. “Okay. If it’s no big deal, I’ll just go to my room, turn on some porn, and jerk myself ‘til I come.” Without removing his hand from his cock, he gets to his feet.

“No!” I cry. “Get back here.”

“Then tell me what you want.”

I roll my eyes. “I want you to fuck me, silly.”

He nods and gets back into position between my legs. “Ask nicely.”

I roll my eyes. I should just get up and leave. Of course I won’t. I might be a smart ass but I’m not cheating myself out of what could be another great orgasm with this gorgeous man.

“Okay, Tyler. Please, please, please fuck me.”

He closes in on me. “Oh yeah. That’s what I’m talking about.”

I try not to focus on the fact that I should not be doing anything with this guy, much less fucking him. So much for objective journalism.

But I’d die before sending him away right now.

Gripping his cock with one hand and supporting himself with the other, he glides inside me and by God, it’s the most heavenly thing I’ve ever felt. Ripples of pleasure wash through me, cutting off all my senses except those connected to my sex. My pussy is greedy for Tyler, and I reach for his ass to pull him deeper inside. He slams into me over and over, a feral expression on his face, and I float away from conscious thought into a crazy orgasmic bliss.

My insides convulse as a new, even stronger orgasm pummels me. Tyler rams me one last time and holds himself there, shaking and groaning at a decibel level that leaves me grateful he has an entire floor of the building.

We come together, our bliss continuing to surge even when he pulls out and rolls me on my side. He scoots behind me on the sofa and wraps me in a warm, strong embrace.

“Incredible,” he breathes in my ear, and I have to agree.

I snuggle back against him and he wraps his arms around me tighter while stroking me softly with a couple fingers.

This man is everything a playboy is not supposed to be, but I try not to think about that right now. Instead, I commit to enjoying the euphoria of having my brains fucked out by the likes of a man I thought a couple weeks ago was out looking for a prettier girl.



“Hey, Tyler, who’s that girl up there?”

“Yea, Tyler, do you have a giiiirlfriend?”

“Tyler’s in looove!”

I take a deep breath to stave off a wavering headache. I can’t give this bunch of ten-year-old fiends any inkling of weakness. They’ll eat me alive.

Focusing the nonexistent attention of kids from one of the local hockey clubs is not my idea of a good time. I love my volunteering, but toward the end of every practice they start to lose their concentration, and now that they see Lucy in the stands, well, I’m pretty much fucked.

Their coach, my friend Lawson, does his best to corral them when I make my monthly visits, but the little guys are so excited to be on the ice that when I come along, they about lose their shit.