Page 97 of From Fling to Ring

“Sorry, baby. If you come home with me, you can take all the French classes you want. Just don’t write a book about what an asshole I am. I try to keep that shit secret.”

We exit the café and wander until it’s time to pick up the kids from school. I show him my favorite streets and he agrees that this is the most beautiful place he’s ever been.

After San Francisco, of course.

“You know,” I say, snuggling into him while we stroll, “you didn’t even have to ask me to come back. The minute I saw you, I knew I would.”

He stops in his tracks. “Why did you let me grovel, then?”

I shrug. “I don’t know. Maybe it was one final test to make sure you aren’t the creepy player I once thought you were.”

“Oh my God. When are you going to give it a rest?” he asks, laughing.

“I don’t know. How about when we reach our ninety-day anniversary, and all you guys have to wear skating dresses?”



Frenchie is a piece of work. There’s no other way to put it.

I don’t know how long Lucy would have lasted, working for that woman.

She had a heads up I was coming, thanks to Petal, but when we finally meet, she’s all over me, fawning, running her hands up and down my arms, and squeezing my biceps.

I’ve been around some aggressive women before, but I can’t say I’ve met one who throws herself at me right in front of her husband.

All I want to do is leave and bring Lucy back to my hotel.

“So, this is your boyfriend, Lucy? I had no idea,” she croons.

Instead of saving me, Lucy hangs back, trying not to laugh.

Because, of course.

“Hey Frenchie, I have something to talk to you about,” Lucy says. “I’ve decided to return to the US.”

Frenchie’s jaw drops open and her hand flies to her chest like she’s just received the worst news imaginable.

“You… what? You’re leaving Paris? But you have such a good set up here. I mean, look around you. How many nannies do you think live like this?”

Good lord, this woman.

“Frenchie, I so appreciate everything you’ve done for me. Tyler will head back but I’ll stay another week and help you line up someone new.”

Frenchie’s lips tighten into a thin line, and she narrows her eyes at Lucy. “Fine. Whatever. Take all your stuff and just leave now. You don’t have to give notice. We’ll be fine. You know how many girls are just dying for a position like yours? I must have talked to a dozen of them before I settled on you, and even then I was just doing Petal Parker a favor. Something about a broken heart, I think she told me.”

Lucy gets to her feet. “Okay then. It will just take me a few minutes to get my things together. Will you help me, Tyler?”

While I am following Lucy across the living room, Frenchie calls after her. “You know, the children didn’t like you anyway.”



The Aftershocks were knocked out of the playoffs in the first round. And while I’d never say this to the guys or Coach, or anyone else for that matter, I hardly even cared.

I have the love of a good woman and am so surprised at my luck that I keep pinching myself to make sure it’s real.