Page 93 of From Fling to Ring

Since I have the house to myself, I bring my French books to the living room where I can spread out. Just as I do, a WhatsApp video call comes in from Michaela. I’ve haven’t spoken to her since I left San Francisco.

I miss her even though I’m not convinced she didn’t know the paper’s shutdown was coming.

I miss the whole Freekly staff, actually. I may have been underpaid and not provided health insurance or a retirement plan, but it was a fun place to work.

“Michaela,” I say as soon as her face comes into view and I’ve got my earbuds in.

“There you are, Lucy. So nice to see you. How are things?”

“I’m just about to dive into my French homework. It’s early for you there.”

“I just took the dog for a walk. It’s foggy and chilly.” She wraps her arms around herself and shivers.

The fog. I’ve hardly thought about that since I left San Francisco.

“I wanted to tell you that I love how you just picked up and headed to Paris. If I were your age, I would have done the same thing. Such an adventurer. How’s the nanny job?”

I roll my eyes for her to see, but I’m not saying anything in Frenchie’s house. I wouldn’t put it past her to have every room bugged with nanny cams, and besides, it would be pretty crappy to talk about her in her own home.

As much as I might be tempted.

Frenchie is okay when it comes down to it. There’s really nothing bad about her besides being a little pretentious and absolutely ignorant of the French language. But hey, if this set-up works for her, more power to her. It’s not like she’s hurting anyone even if her values are pretty opposite of mine.

Like her little ones are allowed to speak French only at school. At home and with me, it’s only English. That bums me out because I thought I could practice my French with a couple little people who wouldn’t notice how bad it was.

“Lucy, I’m sad you ditched the book idea. What happened?”

I knew she’d want to know. Everyone wants to know. But the only people who do know are Petal and Gilly. Well, and Tyler, obviously, and anyone he chooses to tell.

I imagine the whole Aftershocks team hates me now. Even if some of them did have a bet against me.

“It just… didn’t feel right anymore. I learned that… even when a guy seems like a player, there can be more there than meets the eye.” I sigh. “I guess what it comes down to, Michaela, is that I was being judgmental and not very nice, and it took me some time to really see that.”

Like seeing it through Tyler’s eyes. I hurt him and that was shitty of me.

“I get that,” she says. “Do you have any other ideas?”

I shrug. “Nah. Not really. I’m taking a little break from writing. I’m just chilling out, taking my French classes, and trying to learn how to be a nanny,” I laugh.

“Well, I’ll let you go, I just wanted you to know I was thinking about you.”

“Hey, before you go, what are you doing? You know, work-wise?”

She hesitates but can’t contain her excitement. “If you can keep this to yourself, I am looking to buy the Freekly from the investors who shut it down.”

Oh my God.

“This is huge, Michaela.”

“I know, and it may be a long shot, but I have some investors lined up. We’ll see if it all comes together.”

“Keep me posted, please.”

“Would you… consider coming back if we do manage to re-open?” she asks.

I think about that for a moment. “I don’t know, Michaela. That chapter in my life might be closed. But you never know.”

“Okay, honey,” she laughs, and her endearment makes me homesick. “Hey, whatever happened to that handsome hockey player you were dating? The tall one with the messy hair?”