The players are all over the ice, even behind the goal, which seems so strange to me. They flip the puck so fast I can’t follow it, and slam into each other like crazed pinballs.
I lean toward Petal again, hoping my next question is not met with the same disdain as my last one. “Why do they crash into each other like that?”
The man in front of us turns around and with a mouthful of popcorn, explains. “It’s called checking. It’s a legal move to stop the other guy, get the puck, that sort of thing.”
We thank him and he nods. “If you have any other questions, just let me know.”
Wait til he finds out one of us is married to a player and the other is dating one.
If that’s what you call it.
“I can’t follow the puck. I just can’t,” Gilly says.
Popcorn guy turns around again. “Don’t feel bad, happens to everyone. When you understand the game better you’ll have a sense of where the puck is going, rather than trying to chase after it with your eyes.”
At least he’s a nice mansplainer.
“Thank you,” Gilly says, but he doesn’t turn back around to the game.
Oh. Okay. Now I get why he was being so attentive. He continues talking about the game with Gilly and since we’re in the row behind and higher than him, she has to lean down, giving him a lovely view right down her blouse.
Gilly’s no dummy and I am pretty sure she knows what’s going on. And knowing her, she’s probably totally enjoying it.
Petal nudges me. “So, how’s it going with Tyler?”
I nod. “Good. Good.”
She gets in my face. “Is that all you got for me? Just ‘good’?”
I hem and haw. I can’t possibly tell her about my research for the book or any of that business.
She gets tired of waiting for my answer. “Well, I saw him bail early on the party. What the hell was up with that?”
Good question.
“I’m not really sure. I know his away game didn’t go well and that he got some crappy press. I guess that upset him more than he was letting on. I got up to say hi to some of the old gang, and when I turned back around, he was gone. By the time I texted him, he was probably in bed, asleep.”
“Hmmm,” she says.
“He really is a nice guy though, Petal, but I’m sure you already know that. I had dinner with his family and it was so… normal. They’re just normal, unpretentious people.”
Funny how ‘normal’ ends up being the exception, as well as something you crave as you get older.
“Oh, look!” Petal screams, jumping to her feet. She waves frantically and I see Rake waving back. She blows him kisses and doesn’t sit back down until he starts playing again.
Popcorn guy turns from Gilly to Petal. “You know that guy? Rake Hanson?”
Petal nods. “Why, yes, I do. He’s my husband.”
His face brightens. “No fucking way. Hey, do you think he’d sign my shirt?” He opens his coat to reveal his team jersey.
Petal nods enthusiastically. “Of course. He’d love to. Oh look, there’s Tyler,” she says, nudging me hard.
I raise my hand to wave but then I realize he’s not looking in our direction. And now that I think about it, he hasn’t looked in our direction the entire game.
“I guess he doesn’t know where we’re sitting,” I say.
Petal frowns. “He knows. He saw Rake wave at us.”