Page 52 of From Fling to Ring

She smiles, her eyes sparkly and playful. “I went to an all-girls Catholic school. And it wasn’t the fancy kind. It was full of juvenile delinquents and tough city chicks. I learned to settle things in whatever way the situation calls for.”

Unbelievable. She’s beautiful, intelligent, and has street smarts to spare.

“So what’s with that woman? You know, Dorothy?”

We snicker like naughty little kids.

“I dated her. Briefly. Now, she’s going out with Chuck, who’s new around here and hasn’t caught on to her bullshit.”

“Where is she from? I couldn’t place her accent.”

I have to think for a moment. “Slovenia, I think. Eastern Europe, in any case.”

Lucy narrows her eyes at me. “I thought there was something going on, what with her touching you the way she was. I was forced to pull my alpha dog move. Let her know where she stands in the pack.”

I laugh. “Is that what you call it? Impressive as hell, I’ll tell you.”

“What can I say, I’m a city girl. So I have a question for you. Or maybe it’s more of a statement.”

“Yeah? What’s that?”

“I’ve been thinking, Tyler. About you. About us.”


She continues. “If you… you know, ever wanted to date somebody else, it’s fine with me. I’d be okay with that.”

What the what? A feather could knock me the fuck over.

Here I am, thinking how incredible this woman is, unable to take my eyes off her as she walks across the room, and she lays a bomb like this on me?

“Um, I don’t get it,” I say.

She looks around, all cool and casual. “Oh, you know. I don’t want to cramp your style,” she adds in a breezy tone.

Well, fuck me.

“Tyler, look, I know who you are. I’m sure you date lots of women. I just don’t want you to think I expect exclusivity.”

“Lucy, are you not enjoying our time together? Is there something you’re trying to tell me, without actually telling me? Are you the one who wants to date around?”

She looks puzzled. “No. I don’t think so. It’s just that I think guys like you?—”

“Wait, wait, wait.” I take a deep breath when I realize I have raised my voice and attracted the attention of the people nearest to us. “What do you mean guys like me? What are guys like me like?”

She shifts nervously, fiddling with the belt on her dress. “I, well, I don’t know. I just don’t usually date athletes and stuff, and I figure you’re used to a certain lifestyle.”

I look at her. Like, really look at her. This is completely unexpected, completely coming from left field. I don’t get it.

At least I think I don’t.

“Lucy, what gives you the idea I’m against exclusivity? Do you have some idea I have a need to sleep around or something? Because if you do, I’d like to know where that is coming from.”

Her eyes widen and she takes a small step back. “Gosh. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to insult you. It’s just that I saw that woman trying to flirt with you and I was thinking, I don’t want to stand in the way of, you know, your bachelor life.”

“Baby, you’re good, and we’re good. The only thing in the way of anything right now is that dress. I say let’s leave soon, so I can take it off you.”