Page 55 of Love In The Shadows


“My name’s Tori.”

“What do you?—”

“Like I said, it’s a long story. I just wanted you to know the truth.”

Before Paige could respond, the metal door clanged open, and we both went ramrod straight, our shoulders thrust back, every muscle tensed as Richie strutted into the room, flanked as always by his two muscle-bound guards. He didn’t look happy.

“Your husband has some nerve, dodging my calls,” he spat out, glaring at Paige. “Looks like we need to up the ante a little.”

He snapped his chubby fingers, and one of the men—the one that had struck me before—stepped toward Paige. I winced, my eyes squeezing shut, waiting for the blow to land. Every cell inside of me was on fire, ready to explode the moment I got a chance.

A ringtone cut through the room, and my eyes flew toward the source of the sound. Richie grabbed a phone from his pocket with one hand, silently putting the guard on ice with a flick of the other. Richie’s cruel eyes glimmered with delight.

“Just in time,” he said, punching at the screen. “Mr. Parkston, about fucking time.”

Paige released a strangled sob, and my heart lurched inside my chest, wishing there was something I could do to help. Unfortunately, it wasn’t just our lives in danger. There was a good chance Reed was at risk, too.

And Bennett.

The sound of Reed screaming was audible from across the room, even though the cell phone in Richie’s hand wasn’t in speaker mode. I couldn’t make out his words, but the overall sentiment was crystal clear.

“Now, now, Mr. Parkston, let’s not waste time with needless name-calling. Let’s stick to the facts and expedite all this unpleasantness.”

Richie nodded. “Yes, that’s right. I have Mrs. Parkston and the redhead from the club.”

His eyes flashed to me, and my heart raced. How did Reed know I was with Paige? He’d already left the club. Had Paige’s friends told him she was last seen with me? Or was Bennett with Reed? Hope fluttered back to life, but I forced my face to remain expressionless. Richie raked his eyes over me as though the same question was occurring to him.

“Do you have the contracts signed?” Richie asked, snapping his gaze away from me. “That’s the only way out of this mess for your wife. As for the redhead, I might keep her for a little while. She’s got some spunk to her.”

My blood froze inside my veins. No! I’d rather die than let you touch me.

“No dice, Dalton! You’re letting us both go!” Paige barked out.

Richie shot a look to the guard, and he delivered a backhand to Paige, just as he had me. I flinched, but Paige didn’t make a sound.

“Send the contract, Parkston. And remember, if I so much as smell a pig, you’ll never see your lovely Mrs. again.”

He punched off the call before Reed could get a reply and pocketed the phone. He folded his arms over his round chest and alternated fierce glares at Paige and me.

“Final countdown time.” He looked at the guard on the left. “Stay here. Make sure they don’t do anything stupid.”

His orders were given, and he turned and left the room. His right-hand man hot on his heels. The door slammed shut, and the guard leaned against the wall. A pained look crossed his face as he reclined back.

It was the look of a man who’d been on his feet for far too many hours and under too much stress for far too long. He was tall, broad, and thick-necked—Richie definitely had a type.

His features, while strong, were easily forgettable. Dark hair, dark eyes, square jaw, and a few days’ worth of stubble over his face, running down his neck. A black t-shirt stretched over his broad chest and he’d tucked it into a pair of well-worn jeans. I knew I’d seen him at the club once or twice but didn’t know his name.

Bennett would. He seemed to know everything about Richie’s organization. All I could do was hope he knew where Richie liked to take people when he had unfinished business with them.

Assuming he was still alive—and had the capacity to move.

What was it Richie had said? He’s on vacation? Wasn’t that mobster talk for dead? I shook my head, forcing these dark thoughts from my mind. No, Bennett still had to be alive. I could feel it. I’d know if he was gone. But being alive and being able to help were two different things.

If he was locked up in a cell, injured, or trapped somewhere, he wouldn’t even know anything was wrong. Richie thought that we were casually acquainted, just two people hooking up at a sex club.

He had no idea the depth of our relationship. Otherwise, I had no doubt I’d be used as leverage to get Bennett to do the same monkey dance that Reed was being forced into. What would he make Bennett do if he knew he could ask for anything and have it granted?