Tori whimpered. “Please, I’m going to come.”
I flicked her clit with one hand and wrapped her hair around the other one and pulled. Tori arched her back, allowing me to slide a fraction of an inch deeper. “Fuck, yeah, Tor. Like that!”
She cried out. Her ass clenched around me so tight I saw stars behind my eyelids. I opened them at the last moment, watching her come totally fucking undone.
And watching her fucking wrecked me. I shot her sweet ass with a load of jizz so powerful I thought I’d never stop coming.
Tori came fast and hard, shaking and moaning like a woman possessed. The guttural noises came from deep within her, and I held her on my cock until she finally sagged down, panting against the leather bench.
“Oh God…fuck,” she panted. “That was sweet.”
“You’re sweet,” I said and tapped her ass cheek with my hand. “Beautiful.” I pulled out of her, slipped off the condom, and went to the toilet to flush it. I hated that I couldn’t stay with her all night long.
Tori rolled her head to look back at me as I zipped up. Then, all at once, she straightened.
“Wow, cowboy.” Her lips turned up into a sexy smile straight from the devil himself. “I have to go…”
I cringed. We’d barely finished, and she was ready to run off again.
“It’s been fun, cowboy, but I gotta get cleaned up and go back to the bar. I’m sure my boss is wondering where I’ve been.”
“Wouldn’t they know you’re with me?”
“Probably not. I’m not usually one of the girls in here.”
“Well, that’s a relief.”
She tugged the hem of her skirt back down to cover her hips and smoothed the fabric out. Her hair went back up into the glossy chopsticks, and she sauntered from the room, taking the silver serving tray with her.
“See ya later, cowboy.”
The heavy door closed behind her, and I was gutted. When was I going to see her again? There were still so many things I needed to say but couldn’t.
Shit. I needed to finish my business with Dalton and find a way to get her alone and away from this place.
After getting dressed, I slicked my hair back and left the room, stepping back into my facade as I made my way to the red room again.
Richie wasn’t inside. I asked his guard—the one who had escorted us to the room in the first place—and he informed me Richie was back at the main bar. I thanked him and went back out of the private room.
Tori and I must’ve been in the room for quite a while because the crowd had thinned, and the sex show was closed for the night. The club definitely had its own rhythm to it. It wasn’t a typical club with dancing, drinks, and music all night long. In fact, the bar was nearly abandoned when I rounded the corner. However, I stopped short, hearing two familiar voices.
Richie Dalton and Reed Parkston were seated at the very end of the bar, and the bartenders were as far away as they could get, not even looking over to see if the pair needed attention. It was like they’d been told not to interfere. Over the pulse of low, heavy bass beats, I couldn’t make out everything they were saying, but from the hissed tones and general body language, it wasn’t good.
After a few minutes, Richie threw his hands up and stalked off, snapping his fingers at two guards who had blended seamlessly into two opposite corners, using the shadows to conceal themselves. Richie made a beeline for the exit, and my heart sank. Damn it. I needed this business over with, so I could turn my full attention to finding Tori and getting her back to my hotel.
Reed was alone at the bar, and instinct propelled me toward him. If anything, he’d likely know where Tori—Avery—was working.
“This seat taken?” I asked, sidling up to Reed. He was wearing an impeccably tailored suit, but his shoulders were hunched forward, disrupting the crisp lines of the seams ever so slightly.
He turned and gave me a once-over. When his eyes locked back onto mine, they were dark and intimidating. I nearly took a step back.
“Look, man, I know you’re working with—or, maybe for—Richie. If you’re here to intimidate me—save your fucking breath. I already told Richie I’m not interested in selling this place. It’s my club, and I’m not giving it up. Not for anything.”
Reed pushed up from his seat, threw back the remnants of the whiskey in his tumbler, and cut another hard glance at me. “And you can tell that sorry motherfucker just that.”
I nodded.
“Good. Enjoy your night, sir.”