With that, I turned and jogged back toward the storage facility.
Slipping through the security gate was child’s play. Even getting into the main building was a piece of cake. But making my way down the brightly lit hallways without getting spotted by a security camera was a little trickier. On my way up to the hulking building, I saw lights turn on in one of the upper-floor offices.
Most of the storage spaces didn’t have windows, so picking out the offices was easy. I knew in my gut that was where Richie would be, barking out orders as the shipment was unpacked and hidden. Since the Sandersons ran the storage business, they knew exactly how often people visited their stuff and which units were safe for hiding their drugs, weapons, and, hell, probably people.
On top of that, it was remote, locked down at night, and rigged to the hilt with high-tech security gear.
You know, for the safety of their customers.
It was halfway sick and halfway brilliant.
I got in a back door without tripping any kind of alarm and made my way up the three flights of stairs, moving quickly and keeping my head down. There were security cameras in each corner of the stairwell. I had no illusion that I’d make it very far without being spotted, but I had to keep moving and pray they were all wrapped up in the shipment of weapons to notice someone lurking down the halls.
It was a stretch.
But those damn hallways. White walls only amplified the fluorescent lights, and there wasn’t a way around it. I could figure out how to trip the power, but this place likely had a backup generator. I wouldn’t buy myself very much time, and it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack in the pitch black on a countdown timer.
No thanks.
“Damn it.” I stalled in the doorway of the stairs, hanging in a blind spot for a moment. I couldn’t disable every camera. I didn’t even know where the control room was. I hadn’t had a chance to study the building, get my hands on the blueprints, or consult with anyone to determine the best plan of action. I was fine working as a lone wolf, but fuck, I needed resources!
Sweat dripped down my neck, and I swiped it away. Tori, where are you?
Footsteps sounded from halfway down the hall. I slunk inside, letting the door close soundlessly behind me, and ducked around the corner, out of sight of whoever was headed my way.
“—knocked out cold. One of the broads got loose. Vinnie’s never gonna hear the fuckin’ end of it. That is…if Richie doesn’t kill him first.”
“He won’t. That’s his nephew.”
I peeked around and spotted the source of the two voices. Jake—the bodyguard that was always with Richie and another guard, tall, dark, and walking with a slight stiffness. I didn’t recognize him, but if Jake was on this floor, Richie was nearby.
I ducked back and waited as they passed by, taking the elevator. I watched as they rode down to the first floor. I glanced around the corner again. It was clear, so I started running. I kept light on my booted feet, not letting the heavy heels hit the glossy linoleum flooring.
On the third floor, the storage spaces were numbered and had small, residential-sized doors. Most were closed and had thick padlocks, but a few weren’t locked, presumably empty.
More voices stopped me in my tracks, and I grabbed the handle of the nearest unlocked storage space and ducked inside, closing it immediately.
The cocking of a gun stopped my heart.
I slammed my hand on the light switch, throwing bright lights around the eight-by-ten room half a heartbeat before I whirled around to face the gun, reaching for my own as I spun. I raised it just as I registered that it was Tori—a gun leveled right at my chest.
“Tori!” I hissed, dropping my weapon to my side.
“Bennett!” Relief flooded her face as she realized who had entered the storage room. “Shit!” she exclaimed under her breath, realizing she’d nearly blasted me into next week. She lowered her weapon, and I took three quick steps across the room and gathered her into my arms.
Warm tears splashed down her face as I kissed her. “I’m here, Tor. I’m here.”
God, she tasted good. Smelled good. Felt amazing. My fear amplified all the more, even though she was back in my arms, as though only just realizing how close I’d come to losing her forever. Again.
“What are you—what happened at the club? I thought you were—well…” Tori rambled, furiously wiping away her tears. Her eyes were rimmed with red, and the outline of a welt was rising on the side of her beautiful face. I glanced down and caught sight of her mangled wrists; deep lacerations cut into her perfect skin.
Rage rushed through me. “I’m gonna kill that motherfucker,” I growled, my tone more animal than human.
“I’ll let you,” Tori scoffed. I raised her hands to inspect the wounds on her wrists. “He had us zip-tied to chairs. We have to get Paige. He still has her.”
I nodded and kissed her broken skin as gently as I could. I had a first aid kit in the truck, and although it was entirely impractical, I wished I’d brought it with me. She wasn’t in critical need, but I hated to see her wounds and bloodied wrists all the same.
“I know. Reed’s across the street. I went back to the club. After everything with Richie, I had to see you. But you weren’t there, and no one could find you. Paige’s friends were at the bar and said she’d been gone for too long and that she’d last been seen with you. I had this sick feeling that something happened.”