Page 23 of Love In The Shadows

“All due respect, but I’m not gonna disclose that information. I’m a lot of things, but a name-dropper ain’t one of them. Look, Dalton, I like you. You’re a straight shooter. I’ll tell you what I’ll do. I’ll give you a day to think about it. For now, let’s dial things way the fuck back and just have a good time. I don’t know about you, but I could use a night off from all the bullshit.”

My heart was damn near ready to shoot out of my chest as seconds spanned out between us like lifetimes. Finally, Richie put me out of my misery and offered a half-cocked grin.

“I like you, Starr. I like your style, and I love that watch, but I still don't trust you. Oh, fuck it. We’ll put this on ice for tonight. Let’s get to my room and see what’s going down. Get some girls, booze, and have a good time.”

Before I could reply, Richie leaned over the bar and snapped his fingers to get the blonde’s attention. She hurried over, and he grinned at her tits, not even bothering to look her in the eye.

“Hey, sweetheart. I’m in the red room. Let’s get a little party going.”

She nodded. “Yes, Mr. Dalton. Right away. Anything you need.”

Richie flashed another arrogant smile as the girl went to make a call on the house phone behind the bar. “You like that?”

“You got style too, Richie.” I was impressed. The girl snapped to attention for Dalton like he was king of the damn place. I logged it away for further investigation. I needed to figure out how Richie was connected to Reed Parkston. There was more to the story than what I’d seen on the surface. And my gut told me it was worth looking into. Either Mr. Parkston didn’t know who was walking around his club—or he was in with the Sanderson family.

I wasn’t sure which option would be better.

Richie heaved down from his stool and led the way to the private room. The red room as he’d called it. As we walked, I casually glanced around, still looking for any sign of Tori. I was glad she wasn’t tending bar while Richie and I had our little tet-a-tet. That might bring up a lot of questions that I really couldn’t—or at least shouldn’t—answer.

Richie’s new bodyguard followed a step behind us, and I was acutely aware of his presence. When we reached the door of the private room, he rounded us and opened the door like a professional doorman. Such great ass-kissing service, I thought with a snort.

The red room was already crawling with activity. Several men I recognized as Richie’s associates were already drinking and watching a couple of scantily clad women dancing on the coffee table in between the two large couches. A round of cheers and greetings rang out as Richie and I entered, all directed at Richie. No one else in the room knew who I was.

As I was scanning the room, the doors opened, and I stepped out of the way. Two girls filed in, each holding a tray with bottles of bourbon. I jumped out of my skin as I noticed the second girl was Tori. What the hell was she doing working the private room? Damn it. I wanted her out of this mess. As far away as possible.

Richie caught me staring at her. “You like that little redhead over there? She's not one of my normal girls.”

“Who is she?”

“She’s more of a coordinator. Manages the bar and runs the VIP rooms. But, if you ask me, she’s trouble.”

I suppressed a smile. Oh, he had no idea.

Richie heaved his meaty shoulders. “Hell, what do I know? I'm not into redheads.”

Thank God. The idea of Richie being with Tori made my blood boil. A surge of pure hostility ran through me at the thought. “You know what, Richie. Sometimes I like trouble.”

Richie laughed and slapped me on the shoulder. “Well then…let’s get you a piece of that ass.”

He would order her just like he’d ordered the drinks at the bar.

This place was something else.

“Hey Avery, come here,” Richie called over the noise, snapping his thick fingers in Tori’s direction.

A panicked look flickered over Tori’s face as she realized that Richie had her locked in his crosshairs, but when she spotted me standing beside him, her pretty lips parted with a pleased look of surprise. She sauntered over, still holding the large silver tray. She served us each a drink and answered, “Was there something else, Mr. Dalton?” tipping her chin at Richie.

Richie slapped me on the shoulder. “Sweetie, this is my new best friend, and it would be a personal favor to me if you could make sure he enjoys himself tonight.”

Tori smiled up at me. “Of course, Mr. Dalton. I’ll personally see that he’s taken care of tonight.”

Richie laughed and let out a wolf whistle. “Go get her, tiger.”

Tori tucked the now empty tray under her arm and took my hand. As she tugged me out of the private room, I heard her murmur, “What the fuck does he think this is, Little League?”

I chuckled. “Guess so. Where are we going?”

“You’ll see.”