Alright, so maybe my lingering by the snack table wasn’t so discreet. I huff, waddling over to the lounge chair and wishing I could do more. “Do you think he’ll like it?”

“He likes everything you do, Sally,” another uncle patiently reminds me. “It’s one of the perks of married life. Your husband will like everything you do.”

“Those kinds of cultural mores are indicative of toxic gender standards,” my cousin Adelaide interjects, arriving with another pitcher of some fruity concoction. She looks over at me scrutinizingly. “Have you heard from Drakar yet?”

Only a couple of years younger than me, Adelaide is definitively in her second year of college. “No, I haven’t gotten a text from him, and my phone is right–” I groan loudly in annoyed realization. “My phone is in the bathroom.” Where I accidentally left it ten minutes ago.

“I’ll get it,” she offers, and her boots thunk back down the hall as my cousin Hans approaches with more snacks.

“The fact that you handle children is truly a testament to our education system, Cousin Sal.” Hans is just old enough to be a smart mouth, but I only give him a passing glare as he comes bearing a charcuterie board.

“It’s these pregnancy hormones,” I grumble between bites. “They’ve got me all over the place.”

Since finding out I’m expecting, my symptoms have surged with a vengeance. Morning sickness has been the worst so far, but the scatterbrained effect my mind has developed is frustrating in its own way. I probably complain more, but Drakar is so ecstatic at being a parent that his happiness is infectious.

The day I told him I was pregnant, he told me he was falling in love with me all over again, and then set about proving it. No matter how many times I laugh at his antics when he buys another baby toy or educational book, I wouldn’t trade a single moment. Even when I insist that he doesn’t have to prove his affection, he finds a way to make his love known.

That’s why I want to surprise him today. Thankfully, my family understood what I was hoping to achieve, and made sure I was forced to sit back and watch them turn my house into chaos. I know the party will be well worth it in the end, but I’m already a little exhausted just by watching the proceedings.

“Drakar says he’ll be here in ten minutes but that you’re forbidden from ordering anything spicy. Also, he says I can stay the night as long as I sleep at the other end of the house.” Adelaide returns, plopping my phone down in my hand and kissing my cheek.

“Obviously nothing spicy, and yes, of course, you can stay the night. Especially if you drink.” I pass her the bowl of chips Hans was snacking on. “Anyone who drinks alcohol should stay the night.” We banter for a few more minutes in that easy, familial way, and then Drakar strolls out onto the deck.

He cuts a commanding figure as always, except now he already has his collar unbuttoned and is rolling up his sleeves. My mate will always be a proud businessman, but after a year together, he’s gotten much better at relaxing. Giving Hans a fist bump in passing, he locks onto me with a smile and a light kiss.

My heart still flutters even now at his touch. And that smirk of his has a silly smile of my own spreading across my face.

“Viola already explained everyone was here for my birthday surprise when I greeted her inside.” He touches his forehead to mine. “It’s wonderful, baby, thank you.”

“Surprise,” I mutter weakly, smiling and rolling my eyes affectionately. “Happy birthday, my love.”

There is a contented rumble that purrs from his chest as he moves to sit beside me. “Love when you call me that, Songbird.” We hold hands and smile at each other as more family members join the rest of us outside.

Soon enough, the party kicks off in earnest as the Hartes go through their usual rounds of birthday stories and well-wishes. Food and drink are flowing freely with the conversation, and after hearing my Uncle Drew’s retelling of his ‘peyote birthday,’ I find myself burying my face in my husband’s shoulder.

“My family is embarrassing,” I groan. Drakar leans in, chuckling as Thrak howls with laughter on the other side of him.

“Our family is hilarious,” he counters, soft breath ghosting over my ear. His voice always sends a warm shiver through me, and I have to remind myself that family is present. I love that he has taken to and adopted my family the way they have for him, but his sexy sounds are kick-starting certain wants into high gear.

These hormones have me feeling everything more, and I have to quell the desire to be alone with my mate. There’s still a party going on, and more to happen. Besides, Drakar deserves to have this fun, I reason.

It has been a whirlwind year for all of us. After we decided to ‘extend’ our marriage contract, as we like to joke, the investigation into Shields quickly came to a head. Now disgraced, Shields serves a lengthy prison sentence. Our real wedding ceremony was a dream, and we ended up extending our honeymoon in Greece by another month just to navigate the Ionian Coast.

After our return, Drakar hit the ground running. After the scandal with Shields, the press somehow managed to get wind of Drakar’s heartfelt confession to me, causing his reputation and Zenith Enterprises stock to soar. That hasn’t prevented him from making sure I’m taken care of for every moment of my pregnancy, renovating the house, and ensuring my dad is still receiving the best care.

My father is recovering well, my family is whole, even bigger and better than I could have ever hoped for. I also have a life mate who makes all of my dreams come true. Which is why I decide to let my husband have some fun.

“Alright, who’s up for some games!” Baron shouts into the crowd. He and Thrak are fun and always good at a party, so I have no problem with them causing a holler.

Everyone scatters throughout the yard where the various activities are set up. Drakar is in the thick of it while I hang back, waiting for his reaction. Thanks to the family’s creativity, it doesn’t take long.

Soon the air is filled with the sight of pink and blue. Pink and blue streamers are attached to golf balls, while pink and blue sparklers are lit. My husband turns back to me, only this time I have an ultrasound picture fluttering in my hand.

He’s up the steps in an instant, pulling me into his arms. I wrap around him in turn, while he takes the photo to stare. Looking out, he takes in the color scheme and comes back around to match his gaze to mine.

“I thought the doctor's visit was next week?” His face is confused yet hopeful.

“There was a cancellation, and they said they could see me today. Normally I would have called you right away, but it lined up with your birthday so well, so I thought I would surprise you.”