“Knowing you from this trip, that doesn’t surprise me in the least.”
“If you’re trying to insult me, you’ve failed miserably.”
“On the contrary, consider it a compliment.”
Discordant melodies start to shape into harmonies as the band warms back up. Sally goes to head back inside, but I pull her back flush to me instead. Waves of lust swirl around us, and we’re back at the lake instead of some island sidewalk, boundaries fallen away.
“Dance with me,” I murmur into her ear, uncertain whether it’s a request or command. The more I am around this woman, the more I crave her.
“Okay,” she whispers back, going pliant in my arms. Together we move as the beat pulses the cobblestones, the thrum and lights of the club a distant background to set the stage for our rhythm.
Our bodies speak, motioning the desires neither one of us want to confront. But the wave between us has been undeniable, crashing through us here and now.
I’m absorbed in the moment, enfolded in Drakar’s arms. We move together sensuously, guided by the natural rhythms that exist between us, rather than the melodies bouncing from inside the club. The rest of the world has floated away, and the only thing in my scope is this orc. He is the only thing that exists for me.
For years, I’ve struggled to get by, to make ends meet. Then for months I was overwhelmed by stress and depression, drowning in bills and isolation after my dad’s diagnosis. Now for the past month I’ve been exhausted by constantly fighting or denying my attraction to this orc, and I simply don’t want to resist anymore.
Stepping even closer into his space, I glide my hands up his torso, letting my fingertips travel along every groove and dip of muscle his linen button-down disguises. A vein seems to pulse in his neck, and a matching thrill pulses through me. I should be intimidated, but instead I am excited that I can get a reaction out of him. I hope that he can see the unmasked want I’m no longer hiding.
He seems to press even closer, leaving no space between us. There is no disguising the evidence of my affect on him as I feel a bulging pressure wedge between my thighs. “I have had an incredible time with you here,” he growls, tilting his face closer to mine. “I don’t think today could be any more perfect.”
“I could think of a few ways,” I quip, heatedly and invitingly as my hands rest at his collarbone. He exhales at my response, and I can feel my dress tighten in his clenching fists at my tailbone. Already I imagine him ripping said dress away from my body back at the room, and absently I wonder how quickly I can make that happen.
Most of the time I am a cheerful but thoughtful kind of person, someone who hopes for the best but plans for the worst. Who is this uninhibited, spontaneous vixen that has taken my place, set on seducing my billionaire husband?
“If you keep going on like that, I may just have to kiss you again.” The look he gives me is a mix of equal parts warning and desire, challenge and temptation, all wrapped up in one.
“Promises, promises,” I mutter, dragging his lips down to mine, emboldened by wine. This kiss is a heady, turbulent thing, of lips reconnecting and electric touches. There is no surprise this time, only the mutual understanding of chemistry that exists between two people and the desire to explore that.
Wrapped in our embrace, I’m so caught up in the promise of us that I barely register the winds that have whipped up around us. The taste of ozone hums in the air along his mouth, and I have just enough time to notice before the first raindrop splatters lightly across my cheek.
The refreshingly cool drop has me blinking momentarily, startling me enough to pull from Drakar’s touch. Then the heavens open up.
It’s the best way to describe a sudden storm in the tropics. Rain suddenly empties from the sky in great sheets, while rolling clouds thunder against one another, sparking errant lightning in the distance. It sends the patrons hurtling into the night, Drakar and myself included.
Our resort is luxury in action, with the route from the public venues to the private hotel proper easily managed by a few convenient pathways. My husband pulls me along one of these, the grip of his hand warm and firm, while our shoes clack on the slick cobblestones, stray bits of sand clumping in our wake.
Within a few minutes it feels like the world is drenched, with flowers and shrubbery now glistening in the moonlight. The thunder still rages above, but I can barely hear it over the roar of my heartbeat. He wastes no time getting us under some cover, then his lips are pressed over mine once more.
My dress is soaked through and clings to my curves, while the lines of abdominal muscles I was tracing before are visible through the shirt now plastered to him. The rain has left moistened trails along our skin, making us slip and slide as we entwine ourselves once more.
He pulls back only to adjust his grip, and our eyes lock under the lightning. Gently, he caresses his fingers along the lines of my face, wiping rain into my skin. My face is tilted up towards his, cradled by his other hand while he gazes at me with simmering lust.
“You have no idea how often I’ve thought about doing that lately,” he confesses. His words don’t rise above the rain pelting the jungle, but something deep in my core clenches and aches at his words.
“Why didn’t you?” I whisper back.
Drakar leaves suckling kisses along neck, opting now to lick the rain off my body. He’s prolonging his answer, but his tongue feels so good that I find I don’t mind. This moment feels like the culmination of everything that has passed between us, and the start of something important.
Otherwise, this feels like bliss. We’re moving along and trading kisses like banter, with lips and tongues finding new ways to make each other moan. Scents of citrus and the surrounding flora combine enticingly with Drakar’s unique aroma, making me feel light-headed as he squeezes me closer.
“God, you feel so good. I knew you would. I dreamed about it.” He presses me against a leaning palm tree, near where the dense foliage starts to blend with the hotel canopy. More kisses along my breastbone threaten to shatter me, with equal parts lust and frustration.
“Why didn’t you say something?” I groan now as I feel his large teeth leave love bruises over my covered breasts. I know we’re having a conversation somewhere in my mind, but the other things he’s doing with his mouth are more pressing at the moment.