Warmth spreads through me at her insight. Her kind words give me courage.

My mother moves away to speak with the doctors, and I relax into Drakar's supportive presence at my side. That's when two familiar figures come barreling into the room.

"Sally!" My cousins Eva and Lauren call out excitedly. They rush over and envelop me in an exuberant hug. I can't help but laugh as their energy washes over me, lifting my spirits.

"We came as soon as we heard the surgery went well," Eva says breathlessly as they step back. Lauren beams, adding, "Your dad is so strong, we knew he'd pull through."

Warmth blooms in my chest at their loving support. These two have been my greatest confidantes since childhood. As they chat animatedly about their well wishes and family updates, I feel my tension draining away.

Drakar stands back politely until Lauren notices and pulls him into the circle. "And of course, we have to thank Drakar for keeping our girl sane through it all," she proclaims, hugging him as well. He smiles bashfully at their exuberance.

Somehow, in these joyful moments surrounded by loved ones, the chaos of the past week settles into a more manageable calm.

Once the family has cleared out, leaving my father to rest, Drakar and I sit side by side in the hallway. It’s a quiet moment before he offers to drive me home. I agree, and we leave together. He walks me to his car and holds the door open for me. It’s near dark now, the sky a vibrant hue of purples and blues as we pull out of the parking lot of the hospital.

And then my phone rings. I see my mom’s name flash over the screen, and I furrow my brow as I answer the phone. Our conversation is quick.

“Is everything alright?” he asks when I hang up, his eyes flitting to me for a moment before returning to the road. I nod and decide to just bite the bullet now.

"My mother invited us to my grandmother's centennial party this weekend," I tell him hesitantly. Worry creases his forehead as he understands my reluctance. Keeping up pretenses is wearing on us both.

We drive in silence the rest of the way, but when Drakar pulls the car up to my house, I get the feeling he wants to say something.

"We should attend your grandmother's party to celebrate with your family. I’ll be by your side the whole time for support."

I gaze at him searchingly. "Only if you're truly comfortable with it. I don't want to cause you more strain by adding to the charade."

There’s a nervous feeling in my heart, knowing all of this is just a show for everyone else. Our love is far from real, though lingering beneath the charade is a very real friendship.

He nods, taking my chin in his hand. “I’ll do anything to help you. You should be at your grandmother’s party.”

I smile, my heart swelling with affection. His optimism and support give me courage.



“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Sally murmurs from the seat beside me.

Driving through the quaint streets of Sally’s hometown, Highbridge, I have to agree. People stroll down the sidewalks walking their dogs, pulling their children along in wagons, or moving with determination as they lock in their morning exercise. The homey atmosphere is strikingly different from the city’s typical hustle and bustle. I wonder how Sally managed to adjust so well to it.

“It’s so peaceful here,” I remark, my gaze flitting from one quaint storefront to another. “I can see why you enjoy coming back.”

Sally smiles, a soft expression of contentment gracing her features. “It took some readjusting after living in the rush of the city, but there’s a sense of belonging here that you can’t find anywhere else. The slower pace lets you appreciate the little things more.”

I nod thoughtfully. “I imagine so.”

As we pull up to Sally's family home, the welcoming sight of her quaint house nestled in the heart of Highbridge, my eyes widen in awe at the idyllic setting. Before I can fully process it, the door swings open, and Sally's family members spill out into the driveway, their faces alight with joy and anticipation.

As we walk up the driveway, wide grins spread on the faces of her relatives. "She's here!" a young boy exclaims, racing out and jumping into Sally's arms. It's her cousin, and I can see the resemblance in their smiles.

Various family members envelop her in warm hugs, their faces beaming with pride and affection. They greet me with equal warmth, one aunt after another pulling me into a tight embrace while the uncles shake my hand firmly.

I meet each and every aunt, uncle, and cousin, all of whom greet me with the same warmth and friendliness that I've come to expect from Sally's family. They ask me about my job, my hobbies, and my favorite foods, welcoming me in a way that I hadn't expected.

“Come, Drakar, let us show you the house,” her uncle insists. He then shoots a teasing glance toward his niece. “And the photo albums.”

Sally’s eyes widen in fear. “Uncle Tim, don’t you dare!”