“Yeah. Just prepping lunch.” I turn back, raising the mallet again.
“That cow is already dead, honey, very dead.”
I look down, realizing I forgot to put on an apron and now have red splatters on the front of my pale blue tank top. “Oh shit.”
She lowers her voice, stepping closer. “Did Holden say something to you again?”
I shake my head. “Nope. I’m really okay.” My voice is too high-pitched.
Deep male voices remind me that we’re not alone. I turn to see who all is in the kitchen, seeing that it’s all the guys, except for Holden. Cash and Sterling are talking among themselves while Duke continues to flirt with Savannah. She looks enraptured by him. I guess if she and Holden didn’t actually have sex, she’s fair game.
Speak of the devil …
The back door opens up, and he struts through it, wearing a straw Stetson, a pale gray T-shirt with the sleeves cut off, worn Wranglers, and boots. Saliva immediately pools inside my mouth.
This crush is getting out of hand. Need to figure out how to get rid of it.
Holden freezes when he sees Savannah sitting at the island. His eyes narrow as he flexes his jaw. My gaze focuses on the stitches I sewed into him, where he was kicked by a bull. I do the math in my head, realizing it’s been too long and I should’ve already taken them out.
His gaze cuts over to mine, sending heat over my skin instantly. He notices the blood on my shirt, the mallet, and the meat on the counter before turning to walk into the mudroom where the guys wash up before meal time.
I turn back to the meat.
“Holy shit. He really does hate you. I’m going to have a talk with him,” Dolly whisper-shouts right in my ear.
I generously season the meat on both sides, shaking my head at her. “Don’t bother. It’ll just make it worse. He’s been ignoring me lately, which is better than him firing me, accusing me of spying on him, and hauling me off like a sack of potatoes.”
“You call that death glare him ignoring you?”
I shrug, move over to the six-burner gas stove, and turn one on high. I slide the fifteen-inch cast-iron skillet over it to let it preheat.
“You want me to get the buns buttered and toasted?” Dolly asks.
“Yes, that would be perfect. I’m going to slice some tomatoes too.”
“No tomatoes on mine, sugarplum,” Duke says, winking at me.
I narrow my eyes at him, wondering how long we’re going to fake flirt with each other. It doesn’t seem to be changing much in my opinion. We might have to actually fuck on the kitchen table to get Holden to believe I’m too important to the family for him to get rid of me.
“Okay, love bug.” Sarcasm drips from my lips.
Duke chuckles, turning back to Savannah. She’s unbelievably pretty, even with her makeup-free face. She glances over at Holden as he walks back into the kitchen.
“You need a ride?” he asks her without smiling.
I continue slicing the thick tomatoes from the garden.
She blinks up at him. “Well, good morning to you too.”
“Duke can drive you home,” he says.
Duke raises his hands. “Why do I get stuck on taxi service?”
Holden glares at him. “Call her an Uber then.”
“Now?” Duke asks.