“I spoke to the ship last night to let them know you were okay,” he explains when I give him a quizzical look, wondering why he pulled it out.
“Oh, thank you, that was nice of you.” That was super thoughtful. Of course the others would have been worried.
“Don’t worry about radioing them. I’ll go get them.” Zeydan doesn’t wait for a response. He stands up and whistles, and his foxes flow back into him, appearing as his tail behind him. He magics up another cloak and quickly disappears.
“Well, I guess his idea of low powers and ours is slightly different,” I say in amazement, staring at the empty space.
“I’m afraid he’s going to use up a good portion of them retrieving our friends though.” Tirrian’s brow crinkles.
My stomach rumbles, drawing his attention.
“Zeydan made breakfast,” he says, getting up and moving over to the kitchen. He spoons something into a bowl for me and returns, handing it to me. It’s a thick, black grainy substance. I wrinkle my nose, and Tirrian chuckles. “Try it, I think you’ll be surprised. Even my dragon enjoyed it.”
I scoop up a spoonful and take a small amount into my mouth. The flavors hit my taste buds, and my eyes widen in surprise. It has a slightly chewy texture, but it tastes like honey oats with dried fruit pieces mixed in.
“It’s good,” I tell him as I quickly devour the rest.
“Lila.” Tirrian sounds hesitant, and when I look up, he’s biting his thumb nail, his eyes unfocused like he’s thinking hard. “I think you need to mimic Brannock and go into berserker mode if the Madovians try to stop us from getting to your grandmother.”
“Why that form? What about my Madovian form? I’d be at an advantage,” I ask him, and he quickly shakes his head.
“No, you remember how hard it was to control. We may never get you back. At least the Aaz’axian berserker is lethal, and Brannock should be able to coax you back.”
“Well, what about the warlock or the Barcoa?” I argue, and this time he focuses on me.
“Why don’t you want to mimic Brannock? And the truth please, I think I deserve it.”
I sigh and try to put my thoughts into words. “Because I don’t want to be seen as just a baby factory. I want them to like me for me, and not the fact that I am their only option.”
“You said them. Do you mean Brannock and Ghosie?”
I wince, I did say them, didn’t I? “I’m not there with Ghosie yet despite being attracted to him. I barely know him, but I mean Silac too.”
“Yes, you are a chance for all of them to flourish again.”
I shake my head vigorously. “Maybe the Aaz’axians and the carevasta, yes, they have more bloodlines, but from what I understand, the nagas are only Silac’s family. Any children he and I might have will be his brothers’ nieces or nephews. That doesn’t help in the long run.”
He mulls over my words. “No, you’re right, but I don’t even think that’s what we need to focus on. We need to focus on the fact that you think they want you to breed babies for them. Why wouldn’t they want you for you? Hell, Silac was attracted to you before we even knew you were a mimic, and Brannock certainly isn’t that shallow. He had an Earth female for a wife. He already has a child who needs us, so he may not want any more.”
I fiddle with Zeydan’s cloak, not wanting to look at him. “Yeah, you’re right. I guess I’m just being silly.”
He slides off his chair and shuffles over on his knees. He’s wearing the skirt Zeydan gave him and nothing else, and in the light of day, the shimmer on black scales is distractingly pretty. All the exposed flesh doesn’t help either. When he gets to me, he’s smirking, but he grabs my hands and gives them a squeeze.
“And don’t forget this isn’t being forced on you. You can do it the Skarrian way, so if you find you’re unable to control your urges in that form, then one little fuck fest won’t seal you together for all eternity.” He pulls me close and gives me a kiss before pressing our foreheads together, looking me straight in the eye.
“I love you, Lila. I don’t think I told you that, and being bonded to you for all eternity is a blessing. The others will feel the same way, trust me. Take the Aaz’axian form and keep yourself safe.”
I slide off the chair and onto the floor. He wraps his arms around me as I hug him tightly. Who would have thought the dragon had a romantic bone in his body?
My hands brush across his wings, and he shivers. I feel his cock press against me as he pulls me harder against him. I slide one of my hands up and under his skirt and find him, stroking the hard flesh.
“How long until they return?” I ask as he parts my robe and fondles my breasts, smoke drifting out of his nose.
“Not long enough,” a dry voice remarks, and Tirrian jumps to his feet, growling and spreading his wings to protect me.
I blink to clear the lusty fog from my mind, pulling my robe closed again before peering around his legs. Xavier, Brannock, Saxon, Silac, Ghosie, and Maxsim are all with Zeydan. All but Maxsim are wearing black leather-like armor I saw Xavier in the first time. Shit, It’s too hot here for Maxsim.
“What are you doing here?” I ask, scrambling to my feet as I try to keep my large robe closed but failing, if the interest in their eyes says anything. “You’re going to get sick or die from the heat.” I hurry over to him and run my hands up and down his arms. “Take him back now,” I plead to Zeydan.