I nod my head in agreement. It is the least he can do, and having a big, fire-breathing dragon around will make everything think twice about attacking Lila.
“Come on, I’ll send you down now.” Broderick pushes off the wall. “Where should I send him?” he asks the warlock who winces.
“I’m not sure.”
“I’ll find her. My dragon will be able to smell her. We’ll keep searching until we do,” he assures us.
“Please contact us when you get a chance and keep us updated,” John asks the dragon.
“I’ll lose any communicator I might wear when I shift,” he tells us, “but I will use the one Lila has on her once I find her.”
With that, he and Broderick hurry to the transporter. The room is filled with tension, even though Xavier keeps trying to reassure us Lila is fine. He and Brannock don’t seem as agitated as we are, but I still get the distinct feeling he’s trying to convince himself as much as he’s trying to convince us. My fur bristles, and I stare out the window of our home, the feeling that something is coming strong.
“I want a charm to protect myself from the elements,” I announce suddenly, interrupting the conversations going on around us. “Please,” I tack on, realizing I was a little abrupt. “I want to be able to go on missions too.” I love helping with the little ones, but I would much prefer to rip the entrails from Lila’s enemies if I can.
“Yes, I’m sorry I hadn’t thought to offer it to you before now. That was inconsiderate of me.” Xavier bows his head in apology.
“No, it’s okay. I haven’t wanted to be involved previously. I’ve been happy staying behind, protecting the children and my omega, but I feel like they are perfectly safe here, and I have battle abilities if needed.”
A charm appears in Xavier’s hand, and he comes over and slips it over my head. “This is spelled to change with you. It will keep your body cooled to the ideal temperature for a lightning cat, even if it’s hot as hell outside.”
I feel a wave of cold wash over me. Although I can deal with the temperatures of our living area, it isn’t the most ideal, but this makes me feel like I’m in our den. Another charm appears in his hand.
“This is for Echo.”
I take it, pleased that he thought to provide one for him too, even though he won’t join us on missions.
“I think you should all get some rest,” Brannock says. “Xavier and I need to return to the ship so we can head back to the planet tomorrow. Keep us updated on any news from Tirrian, and be ready to go if you are needed.”
They return to the harvester ship, and the others take their advice and disperse to rest. I head to our den to wait for Echo. I’m going to have to tell him what’s happening, and I hope he isn’t going to be too upset.
“Ariel is a lovely name for a girl, but I’m not sure Flounder is the best idea for a boy,” I say diplomatically to the very pregnant merman as we watch the babies’ favorite movie. I think I probably enjoy it as much as they do, but I know the rest of the dads are a little sick of it. I like to sing along with the characters.
When I look at the merman, though, there’s a sparkle in his eye, and he starts to chuckle. “I was just seeing if you were paying attention. I would not name my children after a guppy. What about Triton? He was a supreme specimen of a merman, though mers do not have facial hair. That was just weird,” he says, shaking his head, and I breathe a sigh of relief. Thank goodness. I’m not sure Lila would have forgiven us if we encouraged the use of the name Flounder.
Nikos winces and puts a hand on his belly as it moves like crazy. My eyes widen. I’ve never seen it move like that before. “Can I?” I ask him, reaching for his stomach.
“Of course. This is what you have to look forward to,” he tells me, grabbing my hand and placing it on his belly. My mouth drops open at how vigorous the babies move.
“Does it hurt?” I ask him, because it sure looks like it does.
“Sometimes, but I don’t care. It’s all worth it. I can’t wait to hold them in my arms. I hope I have two pretty little mermaids who look exactly like their mama.” Gone is the ridiculous, silly can of tuna, and in his place is a proud, intelligent man. I’ve come to know a side of Nikos different than the one he presents to the world. He has a wicked sense of humor and is highly intelligent. I’ve really enjoyed our shared time and hope that once he has given birth, he will still spend time with me during my pregnancy.
“Would you like me to rub your back?” I ask him.
His eyes widen in surprise. “Would you?” he asks a little hesitantly. “You’ll have to get into the pool with me.
“Sure, I don’t mind getting wet. Max is the one who hates water,” I tell him with a smile, climbing off the bean bag I was sitting on while we watched the movie and stepping down into the shallow section he is lounging in. “Roll to the side,” I instruct, knowing there is no way he can roll onto his stomach. He does as I asked, and I kneel down and rub his lower back on one side of his body.
He groans loudly as my hands caress his stiff muscles, careful not to rub too hard and hurt him. I massage in slow, circular motions to ease some of the pain before kneading a little without using my claws, and his breathing evens out.
“That feels magical. Thank you, Echo. You have very nice hands. I like the way they feel on my body,” he mutters, way more relaxed than he was. “I bet they would feel magical gripping my cock.”
I stop suddenly, surprised by what he said, but when I look down, his eyes are closed, and I think maybe he doesn’t know he said that out loud.
“Roll to the other side,” I say, moving so he can. I repeat the motions on the opposite side, and he moans, reaching down to adjust himself under his scales.