Page 30 of Interlude

“If she does not, she will die. This form cannot return to space as it is. It needs complete immersion within its element to begin healing. If she returns to space, she might not make it through the night.”

Brannock’s glare drops, and his expression turns to one of concern. He bites his lip and sighs.

“Your mates are going to kill me,” he mutters but nods his head. “Fine, but the warlock and I will stay as well.”

“No, you will not. I cannot protect her to the best of my ability if I am protecting you two as well.” Damn, this creature knows exactly the right things to say. “Now finish up your job. Trust me, you do not want to know what the punishment is for not achieving your quota.” The being disappears, only to reappear across the field next to Xavier. We watch as he leans in and speaks to my warlock, who startles before looking at us. His eyes widen as he sees Brannock in his real form, and he heaves out a sigh of acceptance before his body returns to his normal warlock form, then his mist expands outwards, covering him from head to toe.

The harvesters who were sharing the same bush as him quickly back away, hurrying to find a space that is far from my husband. We watch as the two of them talk for a moment before the being returns to watching over the rest of the crew.

Lila, why is Master Z telling me that you will be staying on the planet overnight? Xavier growls into my head.

According to him, I will die if I return to the ship tonight. This Elementi needs complete immersion into the element to survive. They overdid it in space.

Just change forms, he snaps at me, but I shake my head.

No, this might be the chance we need. He might lose his hood and give me a chance to mimic him, or I might be able to convince him to help us with Grandma Lily.

I will not leave you alone. You can’t ask this of us. He sounds desperate and angry.

I know I shouldn’t be asking you, but I am. Remember, I have the communicator to our ship, so I can signal to them if I need help, and they will send down Saxon, Silac, and Tirrian. I have backup, I remind him. I can feel his frustration, despair, and reluctant acceptance. And I still have all the other forms at my fingertips if I need them.

Fine, but if you die, Lila, I will find a necro to call your ghost, and I will lecture you for the rest of your undead life, he threatens, and I can feel how worried he is, so I let him be, sending waves of love and gratitude.

I know this could possibly be a too stupid to live moment, but I need to take the chance. I am confident in my abilities. Xavier trained me to the best of his knowledge, and I am secure with the fact that backup is just a teleporter away. There’s also that feeling of familiarity I have for the being. There’s just something about him that makes me feel safe, and if he can help me with the death forest, then I’m going to take any chance I can.


I’m unable to repeat the same trick that I did previously by using my magic to harvest the fruit, my energy being at an all-time low, so Brannock and I have to fill the baskets the old-fashioned way. Xavier has no limits anymore now that they are aware he is a warlock, and he completes his quota within the first hour. It took him a little bit to figure out how to magic the fruit off the bushes without them exploding, but he finally figured it out. We all had a laugh as he exploded a whole bunch, covering him and a few closer harvesters with the juices, but he was growled at by Oak and Elm. Neither of them is nervous around him because they don’t know who he really is, and they threatened him with punishment if he did it again. I kind of would have liked to have seen that, to be honest, but he got his magic under control, so I guess we won’t.

When Elm and Oak discovered what he could do, though, they made him fill an extra ten baskets. I thought he was going to have a tantrum and announce that the crown prince of the warlocks did not do manual labor, but he surprised me by staying quiet. He is going by the name Xane, and when people asked why a warlock was harvesting fruit, he explained he was looking for a little adventure, telling everyone that Brannock and I are his harem when they ask.

By the end of the day, Brannock and I managed our quota, but I’m exhausted. I’m so tired, I can’t even fly, so I walk alongside my Aaz’axian friend as he carries our final basket to be placed with the others that have been harvested. These are beamed aboard as the crew sits around, waiting for their turn to return to the ship. We are a sweaty, sticky group, but we had no casualties today, everyone staying within the green barrier as we moved across the field. There are quiet conversations happening all around us as Xavier approaches us in his mist form, taking a seat next to us. The people close by shuffle back, not wanting to get too close to the warlock. We overheard mutters of disapproval from our fellow crew members when he used his magic to make the job easier. Discontent isn’t a favorable option in a crew like this. It breeds jealousy and aggression.

“You better watch your backs tonight. A few of these people are gunning for you,” I tell him quietly, and Brannock nods, having also heard the rumbles.

Xavier scoffs. “We’ll be fine. They’d have to be lucky to get the jump on either of us, though I’m kind of glad you are staying on the surface now. You would be the obvious target, since you’re small and a part of my harem. That’s one way to cut me down—remove my power source.”

“I didn’t think about that,” I reply, my worry for them making me feel worse. My head is throbbing, and my stomach rolls with nausea. I’m not sure if that’s because I’m hungry, worried, or my lack of energy.

“Okay, everyone, gather in the same groups you traveled down in, and let’s get moving,” Elm shouts. There are grumbles and groans, others obviously feeling the pain of hard work today. The clearing that was full of baskets is now empty, and it quickly fills up with the first group. We watch as they disappear, and the space is quickly filled with the next group, everyone eager to return to the ship for food, showers, and a rest.

I look around to find Master Z, unsure if I’m still supposed to remain on the planet or not. Maybe he was exaggerating about me dying if I didn’t stay behind. I can’t see him anywhere, so I decide to travel back to the ship. I’ll head straight to my room and change into my Lila form, which should keep me from succumbing to the weakness of the earth elemental form, but I couldn’t very well tell him that.

The third group disappears, and it’s our turn. Just as I’m about to approach the clearing with Xavier and Brannock on either side of me, protecting me from our fellow crew, a hand lands on my shoulder, stopping me. I watch the people already in the clearing stumble backwards at Master Z’s sudden appearance. I know it’s him without even looking because that same wave of comforting warmth I’ve been feeling all day washes over me. It’s like stepping into a warm bath on a cold winter night. The first bit stings a little before you practically melt into it.

“Come with me. She will be safe with me, I promise,” he says to Brannock and Xavier. Xavier’s mist slides inward, exposing his form to everyone. It’s not his true form, but a slightly different version. He’s pinker than his normal lavender hue, and his hair is not the deep indigo it normally is, but a pale lavender. He’s still wearing all of my marks, but I can tell I’m the only one who can see them. He’s making everyone else see a lot less of them to make light of how powerful he is.

I see the shock in Xavier’s eyes, and he stutters slightly. I feel an instant rush of anxiety and try to step away from the being whose hand is on me. I have never seen my warlock at a loss for words, and my heartbeat starts to race, but he gives a resigned nod and puts his hand on Brannock to stop him just as they disappear.

My mouth drops open in shock once more. What the actual fuck? My husband just left with no arguments after one assurance from this creature. How did he get him to give in so easily? And what was the shock in his eyes? Why didn’t he talk to me inside my head? Did he manage to get inside this being’s brain? The warmth and comfort I was feeling seeps away, replaced with anxiety once more.

“No, I showed him who and what I am,” Master Z mutters to me as the rest of the group gives us a wide berth as they continue to return to the ship until only Elm and Oak remain.

They approach us. Elm looks confused, glancing from me to the being behind me, but Oak looks pissed.

“What the fuck are you doing?” he snaps at the male behind me.

Elm stiffens and elbows his partner in the trunk, but Oak ignores him.