Stay within the lit area, and you will be safe, little one. Have fun, and return by morning so we can find your grandmother. Zeydan’s voice is gentle and encouraging, and I feel a rush of affection for the god. I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that he is my mate as well.
I push Tirrian away, and I hate the look that crosses his face, like I’m rejecting him, but I take another step backward and head toward the glass wall, which is still missing a panel from when we first let Tirrian inside. “Prove how much you want me,” I taunt him and take off, using a burst of Vilaxian speed to get ahead of him and into the bushes. A roar echoes through the trees, but I don’t stop to look, although I do slow to normal speed, a thrill of excitement rushing through me at the thought of being caught.
“Lila!” Tirrian growls somewhere behind me. “You better be sure, because if I catch you, I’m going to fuck you so hard you’ll see stars and then bite you, making you mine. I can’t stop this, you’ve triggered my animal’s mating drive.”
It’s sweet that he thinks he still has to give me a choice. I knew from the minute he announced I was his mate that this male would be mine, but I had to make him work for it for all the pain he caused.
I skip over roots and leaves and duck under low-hanging branches. There isn’t a path other than the one I’m making. I can see easily with my Vilaxian senses, and I can hear Tirrian slowly starting to gain ground.
“I’m going to make that pussy mine. I’m going to fuck you so hard you will feel me for days,” he snarls loudly, announcing his intentions to the wilderness.
My pussy throbs with joy, and my inner voices cheer him on, willing him to go faster as my thighs grow damp. Shit, I wasn’t really thinking clearly when I decided to run through the forest naked. I was thinking with my pussy and nothing else. Branches scrape and scratch me, and the slight sting of pain combined with the adrenaline of knowing I’m being pursued by a dragon make the sensations that much more intense, and my whole body throbs with need.
Should I just stop and let him catch me? Would that be fair? I’m totally down for it, but would he be upset? Why didn’t I research the mating habits of dragons?
I keep running, but I realize the sound of Tirrian crashing through the bushes behind me has stopped. I slow my pace, my breath a little ragged, and I try to focus on my surroundings. I’m in a little clearing with a small pool of water surrounded by some rocks. It’s like a private grotto, and there is steam drifting off the water, the light smell of sulfur in the air. Oh nice, a hot spring. I wonder if the dragon would like to go for a dip with me. Now, where did that dragon get to?
I wait, trying to catch a hint of him, but there’s nothing—no sound, no movement. It’s like he’s gone. Did he give up? Was it too much for him? Or did one of the predators get him? Zeydan said his power wasn’t always reliable. I start to move back in the direction I came, worried that maybe he’s hurt or worse. No, I won’t think about that, I’m sure he’s fine.
There’s suddenly a tremendous roar, and out of nowhere, I’m tackled to the ground. I scream and struggle, fighting the arms that are wrapped around my waist. “Gotcha,” he growls into my ear, his hard length pressed against me as the rough fabric of his skirt rubs over my naked skin. That familiar scent of spicy smoke hits me, and my mouth waters as my fangs drop. I remember what Tirrian tastes like—smoky and spicy—and my stomach rumbles. Using my Vilaxian strength, I break his grip and flip him onto his back, straddling him. His eyes widen in shock. I don’t think he was expecting for me to turn the tables on him. They soon narrow again as he reaches for me, but I pin his hands to the ground and tap into my warlock powers. They do as I bid, even though I retain my Lila form, and cause the vines to slither out of the surrounding forest and trap his hands.
“Hey!” He looks panicked as they wrap around his wrists and pin him in place. He thrashes around, but I have him fairly well contained.
I smirk down at him. “Oh, it was fun when I was the prey, but not so fun now, is it?” I run a finger over his naked chest, and I feel his cock twitch underneath me. I wiggle a little, moaning at the friction. “Be patient,” I purr. “You will get your turn, but first, I want to have some fun. After all, you did make me wait, so it’s only fair that I turn the tables.” I lean in and run my nose over the vein in his neck, groaning at his scent. My fangs throb as I whisper, “Tell me no if you don’t want this.”
“Please, Lila,” he stammers, his hips thrusting up into my body, rubbing himself against me. “Bite me,” he demands, and a wide grin crosses my lips.
“Yes, sir,” I say before I strike. I don’t make it painless, I want him to feel my fangs—a bit of payback for the pain he caused me.
He yelps, but then I inject some venom into his blood before I start to draw mouthfuls from his vein. He relaxes beneath me as the venom rushes through his system, and his hips start to work harder against my pussy. I continue to drink as we writhe against one another like teenagers dry humping in the back row of the movie theater. I drink my fill and pull back, sealing the puncture marks with a flick of my tongue. When I look down at him, his eyes are glazed with desire and his teeth are clenched, the muscles in his jaw flexing as my venom works its way through his system.
There’s no way to stop his orgasm from happening, and I don’t want to waste a single drop of his cum, so I slide down his body, push his skirt up, and lick a long line up the length of his cock. He groans gutturally, and smoke starts to puff out of his nose as his nostrils flare. I’m surprised to see he has a large bulge at the base of his cock like the lightning cats, but it also has a spiked barb in the center of it two finger lengths up from the base. The barb drips with a clear fluid much like my fangs do. I stroke a finger over it, and he grimaces in pleasure and pain.
“What does this do?” I ask him, but he squeezes his eyes shut and pants.
“Please, Lila.”
I remember my venom. Ignoring the barb for now, I take his fat head into my mouth. Tirrian’s cock is too long for me to take all of it into my throat, even if it didn’t have that sharp protrusion. I do my best, hollowing my cheeks and sucking, teasing him with my tongue and letting my fangs scrape his sensitive skin. It’s what tips him over the edge, and he thrusts up. I gag in surprise as he shouts and floods my mouth with his cum. I swallow the best I can, but it’s copious amounts, and he keeps bellowing as his orgasm stretches out for minutes, his cum leaking out of the sides of my mouth, making a mess of me. I feel the hot liquid dribble down my chin and onto my breast as I pull away, panting for air. His taste is unusual, kind of like a pineapple strawberry with a slightly sour bite. I swipe some of the spilled cum up with my finger and suck it off, watching my mate watch me. His eyes are slits, and there’s a continuous rumble from the back of his throat, his wings shuddering underneath him.
He yanks first one arm and then the other free of the vines I had holding him in place. Crap, obviously he was just humoring me. I underestimated his shifter strength. Before I can react, he pounces, flipping me over and pushing my chest into the dirt below me.
My heart skips a beat, the thrill of being dominated sending my senses racing. I feel him run a forked tongue up my spine as his arms wrap around me, and he massages the mess of his release into my body. He’s purring and rumbling and mostly beyond comprehension, which I recognize as his beasts pushing to the front.
“Such a pretty, brave, and strong mate. Made us chase her, but we caught her, and now we are going to make her ours,” I hear him mutter, his voice completely guttural. I feel the pain of needles pricking my skin, and when I glance at his hands on my breasts, I notice his fingernails have given way to claws. He’s dragging them over my skin in a way that has my fear rising, which just intensifies the whole situation.
“Pretty, pretty mate, going to have to make her take our cock, lock her in, and breed her.”
I send a little prayer of thanks to the gods that I had Link inject me with species wide contraception. Hopefully it will stand up to whatever plan this dragon has. Otherwise, I will turn him into a set of leather handbags and shoes for me and Magenta.
I start to say something, but my complaint turns to a moan as he lightly drags a nail over my swollen, needy clit. The pain adds an extra bite of pleasure, and I relax, my body becoming pliant and flexible under his ministrations.
“Such a good, pretty girl,” Tirrian mutters as I feel him line up his massive dragon dick at my entrance. It’s going to hurt if he thrusts deeply, but luckily my pussy is already soaked from our play beforehand, and I like a bit of pain with sex.
His clawed hands caress the globes of my ass before he grabs my hips. His claws dig in at the same time as he thrusts his monster cock into me, and I scream, the sound high and piercing, echoing through the jungle.
“Good girl, almost there,” he coos, his nails lodged into my skin, and I feel blood trickle down my body. Fuck, he isn’t all the way in. My eyes water from the pain in my hips and in my pussy, but it slowly seeps away and is replaced by red-hot pleasure. No, seriously, it’s hot. His hands start to heat up, and so does his cock, my pussy walls giving way to the heat and allowing him to slide a little farther in. His grip on my hips doesn’t falter as he starts to slide back and forth, and I groan as I feel him all the way in my soul.
“Little more, and I promise it’s going to be perfect,” he says encouragingly. “Just a pinch of pain.” He pulls back and slams inside again, and my eyes roll back in my head as another rush of pain washes through me, my body almost seizing at the feeling. The sharp barb that was on his dick is now inside me, digging into the walls of my pussy. I writhe under him, trying to push him away as the pain intensifies.