A burst of blood sprayed out as my fist connected with the fake innkeeper’s nose. Yeah, we weren’t the only ones pretending this weekend. We followed this sick fuck all the way to the town that God forgot, but we were too late. He’d already offed the nice little cat lady and stuffed her into the walk-in freezer.
“Did you think you could hide from us forever?” I roared into his face.
He whimpered and looked down at his soiled crotch.
I slapped him across the face like the little bitch he was. “You got some balls thinking you could get away with what you did to all those women. But you really fucked up when you fucked with our boss’s daughter. Ooh, doggie. Tell me, asshole, did you have any idea who you were messing with in the club that night?”
“Please,” the douchebag pleaded, “I didn’t know. I’m sorry.”
I grabbed a pair of pliers and positioned them over his hand. “That poor girl will be in therapy for the rest of her fucking life after what you did. But you know what we really came here for. Where is it?”
He shook his head, sniveling like a child. “I don’t have it. I swear.”
I sighed in annoyance. They always tried to play dumb until they realized I didn’t fuck around. If they were honest right away, I might go easier on them… But not this fucker. Nah. He’s a real fucking piece of shit.
“Liar.” I grabbed his hand and in one quick jerk, pulled off the nail of his index finger with the pliers.
He let out a bloodcurdling scream. Luckily for us, I sound-proofed the basement earlier. By myself, I might add, since Zander, Penn, and Roman were too busy catching feelings for our unwanted guest. Don’t get me wrong, Easton Radleigh was hot as fuck. But she didn’t pay our bills. Though, this motherfucker right here was about to.
“Imma ask you again before I separate you from another part of your body. Where is the money you stole?”
A fresh stream of piss whizzed out from between his legs and onto the cement floor. He shook his head. “It’s gone. I already spent it. Fuck.”
I knelt down and jabbed the pliers into his thigh. “Oh, yeah? What did you spend it on? Drugs? Hookers? Fucking diapers for your little bladder problem?”
He let out another scream as I dug the tip of the pliers deep into his flesh. “I bet I could hit an artery with my eyes closed. Fucking talk.”
“I-I had debts. The money’s gone. I swear.”
This motherfucker was telling the truth. I let out a dramatic sigh before moving the pliers from his thigh back to his hand. “Well, seems you got a new debt. To us. Imma take the first payment right now.”
The sound of him screaming got my dick hard as I pulled the rest of his fingernails off, one by one. If it was anyone else, I might feel bad… but this abomination of a man hurt women. Like really fucking hurt them in ways that you don’t even want to think about. So I enjoyed torturing him a little extra.
As I turned to head back upstairs, a loud crack rang through the air just before everything went pitch black. Fuck. The storm must be getting worse if it knocked out the fucking power.
I flicked open my zippo lighter and started searching for the fuse box.
The minutes were ticking by as I scoured through every corner and crevice of this musty basement. My patience was waning fast. I was getting sick of listening to that piece of shit cry and whimper. I was tempted to knock him out just to shut him up. But that would bring him relief and that’s the last thing that prick deserved. Nah. I wanted him to suffer. So I had to suffer too apparently.
Suddenly the door at the top of the stairs creaked open, followed by the clicking sound of heels, and my stomach dropped. Fuck. Unless Zander, Penn, or Roman got a sudden penchant for dressing up in women’s clothing, that sound could only mean one thing… The fucking ice princess found the basement.
I darted over to the hostage and closed my hand around his mouth. “Don’t make one fucking sound or I’ll gut you open right fucking now,” I whispered.
I felt him nod his head in the dark. Now I just needed to keep my pulse and breath under control, and hope that Easton didn’t realize we were down here.
“Hello?” She called out. “Is anyone down here?” She cursed under her breath as what sounded like her fumbling the last few steps echoed through the room. “Fuck. I swear I heard voices down here,” she muttered.
My heart raced as a whiff of her perfume tickled my nose. Fuck she smelled good. Ugh. Just go back upstairs you nosy brat.
She cursed again as her footsteps moved away from us, back toward the stairs. I almost let out a sigh of relief when the fixture above me buzzed and snapped… and the fucking lights came back on.
As her gaze traveled from my eyes all the way down to my bloodied hand and the asshole I had in an iron grip, she let out a bloodcurdling scream that would rival any horror movie queen.
Every fear and nightmare I’ve had since arriving at the Briar patch was coming true. I was alone in the middle of a snowstorm with four serial killers. Fuck.