I’ve almost made it to the dance floor when I’m stopped by a man in my path. He’s just about my height, maybe a little taller, but with a smaller build. He has dark, messy hair and wild eyes that hold my gaze.
“Hey,” I say when he doesn’t speak.
He doesn’t respond for a second, but then blinks and clears his throat. “Hey. You’re new here.”
“Yep. Jade gave me a card.”
“Ah. I’m Hale.” He extends his hand and I shake it. “I co-manage the club. You are?”
“Yannis,” he repeats, drawing out the final ‘s’ for a moment. “Welcome to Lair.”
“Thanks. It’s cool. Have you worked here long?”
“About two years. It’s an experience for those unique souls out there. I’m glad you found us.”
“Me too. I’m new to town and looking to meet people and stuff.”
He nods, still gazing at me like I’m something he’s trying to figure out. “So you’re alone in town? No partner?”
“Totally single, but um, I’m straight?”
He raises an eyebrow. “Question mark?”
I laugh at that, dragging a hand through my hair. “My experiences have been straight up to now.”
I shrug. “No buts. My outlook is to be open-minded to experiences and people, and you never know, maybe you really click someday with someone who’s a guy. It just hasn’t happened to me before.”
Hale doesn’t say anything or even really react.
“Are you gay? Is that rude to ask? I don’t know big city etiquette.”
He chuckles and I’d swear his eyes twinkle. “You can ask me anything you like. I’m an open book. I don’t know that I’ve put a label on it, but I do prefer the company of men.” He inhales and his eyelids flutter. I sniff the air too but don’t pick up anything unusual. “You attracted my attention.”
“I see that.” My stomach flutters, and I don’t know what else to say so I take a sip of my cocktail.
“Go explore the club. Have fun.” He leans in so that his lips nearly brush against my ear. He smells amazing, like… fuck, the best cologne ever. “I hope you’ll come back, Yannis.”
Then he’s gone, disappearing into the crowd and leaving me slightly stunned. I think he was flirting with me, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t intrigued by the man. I can’t decide whether I want to be him or get to know him. He’s objectively good-looking and definitely has a presence about him, but it’s a big leap from that to being attracted to someone.
Since I was a teen, I told myself I would always stay open to whatever life threw at me, but until now, it’s never felt like a possibility. After that brief interaction, it’s obvious to me that New Onyx is full of possibilities.
I think I will come back.
Chapter 3
My eyes haven’t left the sexy stranger since I caught his scent. I forced myself away for my own good. Being close to him for even a few minutes was a heady experience. I’ve never met a mortal who smelled like he’d discovered all my favorite things and curated a fragrance from it.
“He’s definitely pretty.”
I look over my shoulder at Tiago, who’s leaning on the bar. “Who?”
He chuckles, shaking his head. “Who? Good one, man. You haven’t stopped staring at the newb since you laid eyes on him.”