Page 69 of Feral

Holding Yannis in my arms while he sleeps must be what paradise is like. His soft breaths and warm body are better than any blanket. He’s been asleep for hours, which he likely needed after all the excitement and the potion Viv gave him. He’s still visibly bruised, but as long as he’s healing on the inside, I’m happy.

He’s taken everything I’ve told him so well that it only further proves to me that he’s my mate. And the sex. Fucking hell. He’s perfect for me. For the first time in a very long time, I can finally rest. The loneliness is gone and my bed is warm. No more of the relentless searching that led me to force Nathan into my vision. No more misplaced dreams. I’ve found the one.

His phone buzzes on the nightstand, but he barely moves so I grab it and answer.


“Uh, hi. I’m looking for Yannis. Who’s this?”

“Who’s this?”

“His brother.”

Shit. “I’m just a friend. I’ll get him for you.”

I put the phone on mute and shake Yannis. He mumbles and tries to pull the blanket over his head.

“Wake up, darling. It’s your brother on the phone.”

Yannis peels his eyes open. “Dimi?”

“He’s on the phone.”

“What time is it?”


That wakes him up. He sits up, taking the phone from me.


I focus my senses to hear the conversation.

“I’m in trouble, Yann, and I’m really scared right now.”

“Where are you?”

“Your apartment. I keep knocking but you’re not answering.”

“Shit, Dimi.” Yannis is already climbing out of bed. “I’ll come get you.”

“I think someone is stalking me.”

“What?” He grabs his sweats off the floor. “Right now?”

“Yeah. This black car keeps driving by and slowing down, and no one else is out here.”

“Get away from the street and stay by my door. We’ll be there. Don’t go anywhere and don’t talk to anyone.”


“I’m on my way.”

I’m out of bed in a flash and dressing as Yannis ends the call.

“He’s at my apartment.”

“I heard. Let’s go.”