“Sex demon,” Tiago says as Hale frowns. “What did I say wrong?”
“Nothing,” Hale says. “Yannis wanted to avoid knowing what everyone was for a while.”
“Oh, it’s okay.” I smile. “I had a feeling something was up. It’s not like Willow seems like an average guy.”
Tiago laughs. “Not at all.”
“Are you having a good time so far?” Hale asks, rubbing my arm.
“Yeah. The clients have been cool. I think I’m picking up on vampires at least. They’re more… what’s the word?”
“Theatrical?” Tiago offers.
“Yeah, that’s a good description.”
Hale nods with a subtle smile on his lips. “It’s all about the theatrics. They’re tipping well?”
“Definitely. You weren’t exaggerating.”
“I’m glad.”
“I better get these drinks delivered.”
I head back into the crowd, moving around masses of bodies dancing, kissing, and laughing. Sexual energy mixes with the music and moody lighting, teasing my own body and conjuring up my morning Hale fantasies.
I drop the drinks off and turn to check on my other tables, but I’m stopped by a brick house of a man who leaves no doubt as to what he is. His eyes glow bright green, cutting through the darkness, and sharp white fangs dent his bottom lip.
“You smell amazing,” he growls. His voice is low, but I can hear it over the music and other noise. “You’ve not been here before.”
“I’m new. I have to get to work though.”
“I’d rather you stay and entertain me.” He presses his body against me, his arm hooked around my waist. “In fact, I insist.”
“I’m working.”
“I don’t care.” He leans in and rubs his nose on my neck. “I imagine you taste like ambrosia.”
When he grabs my ass, my instincts kick in and I shove his chest. He barely moves as his eyes glow brighter.
“Let me go.”
“Ooh, a feisty mortal. I like it.”
He pulls me into him, and I realize my strength is no match for his, so I do the one thing I hope works on vampires as well as mortals and ram my knee straight into his groin.
“Aaagh!” He bends over, glaring as he holds his dick.
Before anything else can happen, Hale and Rhett are right behind him. Rhett grabs the dude by the neck and hauls him to the front like he weighs nothing.
“You know the fucking rules, Henri,” Rhett growls.
“Are you injured at all?” Hale asks, his face full of concern.
“Not at all. I would’ve punched him, but I realized that wasn’t gonna do anything.”
“No. What did he do?”
“Grabbed my ass and insisted I hang out with him.”