He startles as his cheeks turn pink. “Oh no. I’ve never… Not even…uh…” He snaps his mouth shut.
“I didn’t mean to pry.”
“You’re not. I guess I’ve been pretty vanilla so far.”
“This will be an education then.”
“Yup.” As we go to leave, Yannis pauses. “Is this your kind of thing?”
“No.” I step closer, focusing on his pretty blue eyes. “I don’t require accessories to enjoy myself. I’ll tell you a secret though.”
He nods, darting his tongue out to wet his dry lips.
“I enjoy watching.”
“Beautiful people doing sensual things, to each other or alone. I especially enjoy watching an object of my desire embrace theirs.”
His Adam’s apple bobbles slowly as he swallows. His scent thickens, sending a wave of earthy sensuality over me. His pulse ticks up, the blood in his veins rushing downward.
“Do you, um, do you like to watch your love interest with other people?”
I click my tongue. “Oh no. I’m far too possessive for that. As much as polyamory appeals to my logical senses, I’m afraid once I’m enchanted by someone…” I shake my head. “I’m a greedy lover.”
Yannis nods, focusing on my mouth.
“You may find working here expands your interests.”
“Right.” He clears his throat, huffing a breath before smiling.
“Would you like to see the next room?”
“Lead the way.”
Chapter 10
Ifollow on Hale’s heels like a puppy. His cologne is subtle, but it smells so amazing I want to lick him just to see if his skin tastes as good as his scent. My body is tingling from being close to him, and it’s only getting more intense the farther we walk into the club.
“I’m a greedy lover.”
The words play over and over in my mind, my brain tempting me to blurt out “show me,” which makes zero fucking sense. Sex has never been a huge deal to me, not like it seemed to be to my peers. I like it, but it doesn’t dominate my thoughts and actions on a regular basis. Being naked with another person feels good, coming feels good, kissing definitely feels good, but it’s never been the fireworks and butterflies other people talk about. At least, not in my experience.
Hale makes me wonder what a greedy, masculine lover would be like. Would he make the first move? Could I sit back and be made love to instead of initiating the interaction? Would I like that?
“Here we are,” Hale says, interrupting my wild thoughts. “We call these the Pain Rooms.”
He nods, pushing open another leather-clad door. This room is white marble from ceiling to floor. On the walls are what look like torture devices, and in the center of the room is a large platform covered in black plastic.
“For our more extreme guests,” Hale continues. “Those who are into blood play, pain play… intense games. These rooms—there are two—are unsupervised but come with the few rules the club has. Only previously vetted patrons can enter, those with proven track records. We try hard to ensure that everyone who enters Lair leaves relatively unscathed.” He turns to me. “But lust is a powerful drug, able to break even the strongest of wills. There’s a protocol should injury or death occur.”
He nods. “Sadly, yes. Though infrequent, fortunately. Remember, we’re not dealing with your average person here.”