“Whoever’s calling you must have something important to say,” I said.
He didn’t reply.
His fingers slowly curled into fists, and his erection throbbed against his damp jeans.
My face flushed.
My body already ached again, and I was sweating, too. Even the lukewarm bath water was no match for heat’s warmth.
His phone stopped ringing again.
Then started yet again.
Jasper really wasn’t going to answer it.
So I bit my lip, then eased one arm away from my breasts. One was enough to keep me covered. I was average-sized, and didn’t have anything impressive in the curve department.
His gaze grew molten, though.
His bulge was massive enough to pull the jeans tight, making it clear that his phone wasn’t in either of his front pockets. Leaning over the ledge, I stretched my arm around to the back of him.
Jasper stepped closer, giving me better access.
I tucked my hand into his back pocket, and struggled to get it over his tight, toned ass. My hand was wet, which didn’t help with that.
But even with the fabric separating our skin, I could feel how strong he was.
I bit my lip against the urge to grab his butt without anything between us. Just skin on skin.
His phone wasn’t in that pocket, so I reached into the next one. I had to bend my legs a little to reach far enough around him with my free arm, and his chest rumbled as they parted a little.
“I need to taste you,” he said, though his phone was still ringing as I tugged it free of his pocket.
August’s name was on the screen, so I answered it. My voice was a little high with the lust I was feeling, but I tried to ignore it.
“Randa? It’s Elodie.” My best friend’s voice put me more on-edge instead of relaxing me.
Why had she needed to call Jasper three times in a row?
She was with August, and?—
“Your phone’s off. I’ve been trying to call you,” Elodie said. “Are you okay?”
That eased the unpleasant, intense feelings that had been building.
“I’m fine. Just didn’t want to be accessible. Is everything okay with you?”
“Yep. Jas just talked to August a few minutes ago, and Auggie asked me to clarify a few things for you.”
I didn’t take my eyes off Jasper as I eased back into a sitting position, closing my legs again and tightening the arm around my chest.
“Did you have sex dreams last night?” she asked. “Extremely intense, realistic ones?”