“And you’re okay with this, Randa?”
“I…” I began, but trailed off because I had no clue what I could say that wouldn’t make her more worried.
Vi snorted. “It’s still new for both of them. It’ll take her time to decide how she feels about it. Jasper treats her well, though.”
I nodded quickly. “He does.”
“That seemed defensive,” mom said.
My face flushed. “I’m worried you’re going to scare him off.”
Jasper squeezed my hip lightly.
Vi snorted again.
My mom’s face softened just slightly. “I’d like to speak to my girls alone, Jasper. My husband is in his office, down this hall.”
She didn’t ask him to go speak with my dad, but the request was implied.
Or maybe the command was implied.
Jasper didn’t protest, though.
He kissed my cheek and murmured into my mind, “Let me know if you need me out here. I’ll come back, whether she likes it or not.”
“She won’t like it.”
“Then it’s a good thing I don’t follow commands unless they’ve come from your lips.”
“You’d follow my commands?”
“In an instant, Sweetheart.”
An image flashed into my mind of me giving him a command in bed—which had definitely never happened before.
His chuckle filled my mind as he finally released me and walked down the hall my mom had gestured to. “I’m not opposed to that.”
My face heated further.
“Why is she blushing?” my mom asked Viola.
“They can communicate mentally. It’s weird, but kind of adorable. She always gets really flustered.”
“Not always,” I protested.
A door closed down the hall.
Jasper must’ve made it to my dad’s office.
Obviously, my dad couldn’t hurt him. He wouldn’t have, even if he could’ve. But Jasper was ginormous. And my dad was… not. He was average height, but all human guys were small next to supernaturals.
Plus he was a doctor. A surgeon. So despite his temper, he’d never hurt anyone unless it was a necessary part of the process to heal them.
“Come on.” My mom turned on her heels—literally, she was wearing heels—and strode through the house. Her tailored slacks swayed with the motion, and her expensive but simple top remained in place.
We followed her to the kitchen, which I knew without checking was stocked with ready-to-heat meals left by her chef, and healthy snacks that had been carefully planned for both of them by a dietician.