We all gathered in the open kitchen and dining room, carrying the food to the table and taking our seats around it. Jasper sat on one side of me, and Vi on the other. She was pointedly avoiding looking at Eli, considering how poorly the two of them got along.

There were enough of us that her avoidance wasn’t awkward, luckily. Even if it was, something told me everyone would’ve played it off.

The food was good, and the company was great. By the time Jasper and I got in the car with Vi, I was more convinced that I’d like having a mate. The way Brynn and Bash, and August and Elodie, had been together was really sweet. And things between me and Jasper really weren’t that far from them. We just didn’t know each other well enough to have that same comfort level.

Jasper sat in the back while Vi drove us home, and he asked questions about her new job. She’d been smiling a lot since everyone devoured her cupcakes.

She gave him the rundown I’d already gotten, and I found myself staring at the mountains, looking out my window.

I’d found them beautiful since I moved to Scale Ridge, but after flying through them, I felt that even more. As scared as I’d been on my way to Mate Mountain, the view from our balcony was addictive.

I itched to pick up my tablet and draw the horizon, but it was at the apartment, in our backpack.

So, there would be no drawing.

I’d just have to live in the moment, I supposed.

Jasper’s hand brushed my arm lightly as he continued talking to Vi, but was unable to resist touching me. I set my hand over his, holding it against me, and it remained there through the rest of the drive.

When we got home, all three of us tackled the mess in the kitchen. Vi thanked us a dozen times, and told us we didn’t have to help, but neither of us listened to the second bit.

Jasper washed dishes, I dried, and Vi scooted around us to clean the countertops.

It was a solid hour before we finally finished up and called it a night.

Jasper stepped into my bedroom while Vi pulled me into her arms and gave me a tight hug.

“That bastard just did my dishes for an hour without complaining,” she whispered.

I laughed. “He’s a good guy.”

“Seriously. And you’re already tied down, so it’s not like he’s trying to woo you or convince you to stay.”

“Maybe I need to find you a shifter to mate with so he can do your dishes when I’m not here,” I whispered back.

She snorted. “Yeah, right.”

I flashed her a knowing smile. “Hot dragon sex and free dish cleaning, Vi. It’s a win-win situation.”

She rolled her eyes, but couldn’t hide her smile. “Keep dreaming, Randa.”

“I will.” I gave her another hug before wishing her goodnight and slipping into my room after Jasper.

He was standing up, leaning against the wall and studying the room. It was simple. I had a queen-sized bed, a small dresser, and a desk that I only used to hold clean clothes. Sure enough, there was a laundry mountain on it.

There were clothes on the floor too. And a towel hung over the back of the desk chair.

“I’m messy,” I said sheepishly.

Jasper’s lips were curved upward. “I’ve noticed. You leave your clothes on the floor every time we shower.”

“I know. It’s a problem I actually am trying to fix. Without much success, though. I’m not exactly a catch.”

“I don’t mind picking up after you.” He pulled me to his chest and tipped my chin back with a knuckle, then lowered his mouth to mine.

He kissed me gently.
