“I’m not abandoning you,” I said around the cake. “I’ll pay rent until you can handle it yourself. Apparently Jasper’s loaded.”

“Where is he, by the way?”

“Headed out to give us privacy.” I took another bite.

“Damn. I was going to make him try these too.”

“So you don’t hate his guts?”

She sighed. “Of course not. You guys are a packaged deal now, right? I’m pissed that you’re moving out, and I wish you didn’t have a dragon mate. I’m going to miss you like crazy. But Elodie told me a lot about him, and it sounds like he’ll make you happy. Does he?”

“I think so. It’s still pretty early. He told me I can choose whether we ease into the bond by starting as friends, or jump right in. So… I think so. I like his personality, at least. And like you said, the hot dragon sex is a plus.” I took another bite of the cupcake.

“He offered to just be your friend?” Vi asked, her voice incredulous. She was still stirring whatever was on the stove.


“Shit, he really is perfect for you.”

I smiled.

“Sit here, eat cupcakes, and tell me everything,” she ordered, gesturing to a tiny sliver of the countertop that wasn’t covered in baking stuff. I scooted everything else over, lifted myself up, and launched into the story.

When I was done, Vi caught me up on all the tiny details of everything I’d missed from her life.

While it was different than it had been two weeks earlier, it was also the same. And I loved that.



Three hours and at least six cupcakes later, I reached out to Jasper mentally. “What are you up to?”

“Hanging out at Brynn’s place. You ready for me to head back there? She keeps trying to get details about heat out of me.”

“How about we meet at a restaurant or something? I’m hungry, and there’s no space to make food here, considering all the dishes. And cupcakes.”

“We can do that. Or you and Vi can come to Brynn’s, if you prefer. She’s been pestering me to bring you over, and it sounds like her and Vi are friends already.”

I couldn’t hold back a small smile. “Let me see if she’s up for it.”

I asked Vi, and got an immediate, relived agreement. Apparently she had been dreading finding something to make for dinner.

“We’ll head over in a few. Sounds like Vi’s been there before, so she probably has the address.”

“Alright. Drive safely.”

“We will.” The conversation ended, and Vi looked at me suspiciously.

“Can you communicate mentally with him or something?”

I blinked.


Guess I hadn’t been very secretive about that.
