Rough, but still gentle.

Intense, but a little awkward too.

There was something complicated about him that I didn’t have words to describe. Complicated, and beautiful.

Not for the first time, I itched to sketch him.

Couldn’t do that in the tub, though.

And we needed to talk.

“I need you sane so we can have a rational, human discussion,” I said.

His jaw clenched.

A tremor rolled through his body.

He was still trying to fight his instincts. But I was pretty sure that he would have already conquered them, if they were something he could fight.

And the only way I knew how to make him sane was…

I bit my lip harder.

How was I still horny?

That, at least, had to be heat’s doing.

“The water hides your scent from me,” Jasper said, his voice low. “The shit in your hair, too.”

He was talking about my hairspray.

“I can wash it out, but I’d like some privacy,” I said.

He didn’t budge.

I sighed.

He was gorgeous—but a gorgeous pain in my ass was still a pain in my ass.

“Just turn around,” I said.

A moment passed, and he finally, stiffly, turned himself away from me.

Our eyes met in the mirror as soon as he did. Only the top of my head showed in it, so I didn’t mind that.

Knowing I probably hadn’t bought myself much time, I scrubbed clean quickly, without bothering to shave anything. Jasper didn’t know the difference, so he wouldn’t care if I was a little hairy. Or at least, I didn’t think he would.

His eyes took my body in hungrily when I stepped out of the tub and wrapped myself in a towel. “How do dragons feel about body hair?”

He rumbled.

I didn’t think he’d done it on purpose.

“Intensifies your scent,” he said.

That didn’t sound like a good thing to me, but he seemed to think it was, so I tried not to make a face.

Maybe I’d take the time to shave everything if we did decide to seal the bond.