I didn’t either.
“After that, sex will be the only thing that can relieve the increasing pain, and that relief will be very, very temporary.”
“Wow, you’re really selling this,” I murmured.
My eyes were still locked with Jasper’s. I was starting to wonder if I could even look away if I tried.
She laughed softly. “I think shitty truths are better than happy lies in this case, don’t you?”
“Unfortunately, yes.”
“So what would you do in my situation?” I asked her. Though I knew I didn’t want the bond, I was starting to think there might not be a way around it. And I wanted to hear her answer.
She considered it for a moment before admitting, “I would probably brace myself for a mate bond. When you look at all the facts, there doesn’t seem to be another option. Jas can’t leave Mate Mountain without losing his mind even more. You can’t sleep there without sealing the bond with him. Heat is so painful that I couldn’t handle it, and you’re softer than me. I mean that in a good way, too. Of the three of us, you’re the nice one. Vi’s the hard-ass, and I can go either way depending on the day.”
My lips curved upward just the tiniest bit. “I hate being an artist sometimes. It’s so consuming. I’d be tougher if I wasn’t.”
“But you wouldn’t be you, then. And you’re pretty damn great, Randa.”
“Thanks.” I closed my eyes. “What all is there to a mate bond again? No periods? Heat repeated a few days every month? A horrifying amount of flying?”
“The scent thing, too. And the mental bond.”
“Mental bond?”
“Oh, I haven’t mentioned that?”
Elodie explained, “The mate bond connects a pair’s minds. We hear each other’s loudest thoughts, and we can speak to each other mentally at any given time, no matter how far apart we are.”
“Wow. So in your opinion, my best bet right now is to try to wrap my mind around the fact that I’m going to be Jasper’s mate. And to touch him constantly, so I don’t have to deal with heat.”
“Right,” she agreed. “Heat is actually fun, when you give in to it. The best sex of your life, over and over again.”
My face warmed.
I opened my eyes, and found Jasper on his knees next to the tub. His hands were braced on the ledge, far enough from my skin that we weren’t touching.
His gaze was molten.
“Anything else I need to know?” I whispered.
“I think that’s everything. If you do decide to give in to heat, try to remember to text me so August doesn’t have to show up there and nearly get himself killed for knocking on your door.”
“Okay. Thanks.”
We both hung up, and I set Jasper’s phone down on the ledge of the tub.
Biting my lip, I studied him.
He was still the most gorgeous man I’d ever seen.
Strong, and sexy.