It’s super awkward



Have the conversation

He has nothing against you, Jasper is just a quiet guy

I sent her a gif of a dirty look.

She sent one back of someone blowing a kiss.

With a sigh, I hit the button to turn off my phone. It was almost dead, anyway.

“What’s wrong?” Jasper asked.


He shot me a dirty look.

He clearly realized I was lying.

“Elodie doesn’t want to answer my questions about dragons anymore. That’s all,” I said.

His forehead wrinkled. “You don’t have to ask her. I’m right here.”

“That’s basically what she said.”

The wrinkle in his forehead deepened, but he grabbed my stuff and led me out of the room. I followed him back to his apartment, and neither of us said anything.

“What do you want to know?” he asked me, as he dumped all of my stuff into the kitchen sink. Everything was about to get washed with dish soap, apparently.

“What don’t I want to know would be a better question.”

He started washing a bottle of shampoo.

My hair was still in its bun from the day before, because I hadn’t seen any conditioner in his bathroom. Hairspray was preferable to dry, crunchy hair, so yesterday’s hairspray had stayed.

“What didn’t she want to tell you?”

“I don’t know. She asked if we’d had the talk about your sense of smell yet. I said no, and asked her to give it to me. She refused.”

He scrubbed the bottle of shampoo far more violently than he should’ve needed to.

I took a seat at the kitchen table.

When he finally set the bottle on a towel, he said in a low voice, “Dragons aren’t like humans.”

“I hadn’t realized,” I drawled.

He grimaced, not looking over at me. “There’s this thing in the roof of our mouths. It’s similar to a lizard’s.”

I frowned.

“It heightens our sense of smell, but only as it applies to our mate. It’s dormant until we meet her. You. As I get acquainted with your scent, I’ll be able to pick up on the slightest changes. Taste them, even.”

“What kind of changes?”