Thank youuuu!
Of course, this is what sisters are for!
She sent me a kiss-blowing emoji, and I bit my lip again.
We were only going to be in each other’s lives temporarily, because I wasn’t sealing the bond.
But Viola…
I finally opened the text she’d sent the night before.
I just got off the phone with Elodie
I’m freaking out
Call me when you can
I love you
Biting down harder on my lip, I closed my eyes for a long moment.
My natural instinct was to hide.
To wait until she called me and forced me to talk to her.
But Vi was the one person I couldn’t let myself do that with.
“I’m going to talk to my sister. I need some privacy,” I told Jasper, as I stood up. The bedroom was the best place for that.
“Just leave the door unlocked. It’s difficult to be away from you,” he said.
I agreed.
A minute later, I was arranging the wild blankets on the bed. The room smelled like sex in a way that made my sweat more annoying and the slickness between my thighs more pronounced.
Heat was going to drive me literally insane.
I rearranged the blankets half a dozen times, trying to make myself comfortable, before I finally gave up and forced myself to hit the button to video-call Viola.
She answered immediately.
There were dark circles under her eyes, and her hair was much messier than usual, hanging around her face instead of up in its usual ponytail.
“You’re okay?” she demanded.
“I’m fine.” I managed a small smile.
Emotions were welling in my throat and eyes, but I fought them as hard as I could.
She let out a long breath.
Then, she dragged her hand through her hair, pulling it out of her face.