“I usually work in the library,” I told Jasper, who was still flipping pancakes. “Do you have anything similar? I don’t think I can focus in here. If we have to, we could go spend heat in Scale Ridge, maybe?”
I didn’t want to sound bitchy by suggesting that his living space wasn’t big enough, but my brain was fickle. Creating art for money could be a mental struggle sometimes.
“Scale Ridge won’t work for me. I don’t have a home established there, and if I’m uncomfortable, my instincts will be harder to fight.” Jasper faced away from me as he spoke. “We have a few meeting rooms. There aren’t any books there, but there are a bunch of chairs. Some tables. We have a dining room, too.”
He hesitated for a moment.
I waited.
“I won’t be able to handle having you in most of those areas,” he finally said. “They smell too strongly of other males.”
My forehead creased as I frowned.
He wasn’t exactly throwing out other options.
“I’m comfortable here,” he finally said. “Our best chance at fighting heat is to stay where I’m comfortable.”
“You’re barely sane,” I countered. “If we’re fighting it, I’m the one who’s going to have to do the majority of that. My comfort should matter too.”
“Of course your comfort matters.” He nearly growled the words.
“Then come up with an alternative, because I can’t spend the next month of my life trapped in this little apartment while I’m in pain.”
Jaspers fist clenched around the spatula he held at his side.
I watched him warily as he took a deep breath in, then another.
If he was about to get all beastly again, I’d be fighting the urge to throw something at him.
Something hard.
And big.
…not like that.
That wasn’t a sex joke.
Something like a chair.
Yeah, a chair.
I’d throw a chair at him.
Okay, I wouldn’t. But I’d want to.
“Give me time to think about it,” he finally gritted out.
“Alright.” I ran a hand through my hair, tugging it out of my face. I needed to wash the hairspray out from the day before. Needed to clean my face, too.
I hadn’t even taken my makeup off in the tub the night before. Yikes. I probably looked like a zombie.
Getting up again, I made my way to the bathroom.
Sure enough, I looked terrible. My makeup was a smeared mess, and my hair looked like it had been through a tornado.
Jasper must have been lying when he said I was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen.