His nostrils flared. “It reeks of Elodie and August.”

“They did carry it here.”

I started unzipping it, but he stopped me again. “I can’t have their scents in here, Miranda.”

“I need to check in with the people I work for.”

“Just wait for me to find something to clean everything in here with.”

I sighed, but nodded.

He dragged the bag back outside and shut the door. Then, he returned to his pancakes.

I wandered around the small living space while he cooked. It was comfortable, and it wasn’t tiny, but I wasn’t looking forward to being trapped inside it.

I almost never worked from home. The apartment I shared with Vi was decent, but I needed to work somewhere I didn’t sleep. I’d tried turning Elodie’s room into an office after she moved out, but I hated offices.

The public library had a chair that they may as well have put my name on.

My university’s library, too. Though I’d graduated a year or so earlier, I had yet to be asked for an ID on my way in or out.

“Does Mate Mountain have its own library?” I called out, as I ran a hand over the soft comforter on the bed we’d shared.



I pulled one of the pillows off the bed and lifted it to my nose, inhaling deeply.

Damn, Jasper smelled good.

“How long does your bite change my sense of smell for?”

“A few months, assuming I don’t bite you again.”

“Should I assume that?” I checked.

There was a beat of silence before he answered. “Probably not.”

I nodded, though he couldn’t see me.

It had felt insanely good when he bit me, so I really wasn’t opposed to a repeat. And considering his typical beastliness, I was pretty sure his dragon would want his teeth in me again.

“Did it hurt?” he asked, a few moments later. I was still in the bedroom, with him in the kitchen, so he had to raise his voice. “When I bit you?”

Was he seriously asking me that?

He had seen me orgasm, hadn’t he?

Was he actually telling the truth about being sane while his animalistic side had the helm?

“Definitely didn’t hurt, no.”

If he responded to that, I didn’t hear it.

After a few more minutes, I wandered back into the kitchen and sat down at the table.

While the space was plenty big enough to live there, I doubted I’d be able to get anything done. Work-wise, at least. I had to be comfortable to focus on my art, and I hadn’t found anywhere that seemed like a decent option.