His jeans were still unbuttoned, and his boxer-briefs were still damp with our release.

My face flushed at the sight of him, and the evidence of what we’d done.

What I’d done.


He kneeled beside me, placing his hands on either side of my face as he turned it toward him. My body turned a bit too, so I was mostly facing him.

“I am not insane when I lose control of my instincts, and you can be damn sure I know exactly what’s happening. We call it insanity because the human concept of common sense goes out the window, not because we’re actually out of our minds.”


“I’m a dragon, Miranda. I’m as much beast as I am man. On a normal day, I have full control of my animalistic side. During heat, I apparently have almost none. It’s not possible for you to take advantage of me. I want you so badly, I sent you into heat with me.”

Okay, that was…

A lot.

“And for the record, you can use me for your pleasure any fucking time you want. Understand?” he asked.

A charged, intense moment passed before I finally said, “Okay. Maybe we should set boundaries? So we know what we’re comfortable with?”

His lips curved upward just the tiniest bit. If I hadn’t been looking at him so closely, I wouldn’t have been able to tell he was smiling at all, but it was there. “I have no boundaries. Too old to care.”

“My boundary is that I don’t want to know exactly how old you are,” I said quickly.

He laughed. It was short. Sharp. Intense, just like he was.

And I couldn’t bite back a smile of my own.

Supernaturals were immortal, and the way time passed for them was different than it was for us. Age was, too. But the concept would still weird me out.

His thumb brushed lightly over my cheekbone. “How much of you can I touch while you’re asleep? Keeping my hands off you was a struggle. Your ass is perfect.”

My face flushed. It wasn’t because of heat, though I was feeling a little sweaty. “As much as you want. That’s pretty sexy.”

His chest rumbled. “I feel the same.”

“I usually sleep naked,” I added. “Is that… Are you…”

“Yes. Hell yes.” His voice was so hot, it killed me. “I assume you want me clothed.”

“Shorts would be good, maybe? Or just the boxer-briefs?” I gestured to the ones he had on again, my face flushing hotter.

I was going to overheat soon, I just knew it.

“You don’t want to seal the bond, right?” he asked.

The question snapped me out of it a little. “Right. You don’t either, though. Do you? Elodie said dragons don’t want mates.”

He agreed. “But you should know that it’s nearly impossible to fight heat. Only two couples have ever done so that we have on record. August and Elodie are one of them. The other couple sealed the bond afterward, too.”

“Well those are shitty odds.”

His lips curved again, just a little. “Yup.”

“Was the other guy as beastly as you?”