My brother had his mate tucked against him, and neither of them looked thrilled by the turn of events.
My arm went around Miranda of its own volition, and I found myself pulling her against my chest, holding her there.
Was it just me, or did she lean in?
It had to just be me.
Elodie’s expression was wary as she looked between the two of us. “How did this even happen?”
“We were just talking,” Miranda said. “Well, I was just talking. He was just ignoring me for the most part.”
Trying not to tell her she was my fucking mate, not ignoring her.
It seemed pointless to voice that, though.
She glanced back, as if waiting for me to finish the story. Our gazes met, and my cock throbbed against her. Her face reddened adorably, and she jerked back toward my brother and her friend.
I couldn’t resist the urge to give her what she wanted, and finished the explanation. “I tasted her, and it ignited heat.”
August coughed. Elodie bit her lip, looking up at the ceiling.
“It was not as dirty as he just made it sound,” Miranda threw out there, flashing me a warning look.
I didn’t know what I was supposed to do with that look.
Shut up?
I’d go with that.
“He accidentally drank from my wine glass, and it started whatever this is. Which you clearly lied about, by the way, because there is so much going on in here that doesn’t make sense.” Miranda gestured vaguely to her body. “And Jasper is pretty much useless as far as explanations go. I ask him what’s happening, and he just tells me to call you.”
Elodie’s expression grew sheepish. “I was going to tell you guys the truth about the mate stuff after August and I parted ways. Dragons are picky about their secrets. But then this happened.” She lifted her left hand, showing the ring.
“Not parting ways isn’t an excuse to lie to us,” Miranda said.
“It wasn’t completely a lie. Heat is a temporary mate bond. There’s just more to it than that.” Elodie glanced at me before looking back at my female. “Let’s go for a walk and I’ll tell you more.”
“No.” I didn’t so much as consider the possibility of letting her leave.
I was barely maintaining my hold on my sanity as it was. Watching her walk away from me would immediately end that.
Miranda glowered at me over her shoulder.
“You said you were only sane for the moment,” August said, coming to my aid.
“What?” Elodie looked at me.
Miranda looked at my brother and his mate, frowning.
“Male dragons are affected by heat to different degrees. Our beastly instincts affect us all differently. Most of us retain the majority of our self-control. Some don’t,” August said. “How is it treating you, Jas?”
“I have moments of sanity.” Biting her had helped tremendously, though I could still feel my beastly instincts threatening to take over.
“Moments of sanity?” Elodie checked.
“It’s been like talking to a brick wall most of the time,” Miranda said. “An extremely horny one.”
August snorted.