“Fucking delicious.” His growl made me suck in an unsteady breath.
I didn’t know why his animalistic thing was turning me on so much, but it was. It really was.
The compliment didn’t hurt either.
He slid his nose down the inside of my thigh, stopping just a few inches below my core.
His tongue dragged over the skin there slowly.
He rumbled again, and his fingers tightened on my legs, holding me securely. It didn’t hurt, but it wasn’t gentle.
I watched as Jasper nipped lightly where he’d just licked me—then bit down.
My lips parted, but not in pain.
My hips arched toward his face, a cry of pleasure escaping me as an orgasm hit me hard, out of nowhere. My knees buckled, and I would’ve fallen if the dragon hadn’t already taken all my weight, holding me up effortlessly.
I’d never climaxed like that.
It was so intense—and so long.
As the pleasure faded, I already wanted more.
My chest was rising and falling rapidly as I leaned more of my weight against the door behind me. I felt sort of different.
And there was a smell in the air.
A delicious smell.
One that definitely didn’t help dissipate any of the need I was currently dealing with.
My vision was improving, too, as if someone had turned on the lights or put a pair of glasses on my face. They hadn’t, of course. There were no lights to turn on, as far as I could see. His bite must’ve done something to me.
Jasper’s grip on my legs loosened.
When I looked down at him, my eyes met his, and his expression was different. It looked more like it had at the wedding. More neutral. Sharper.
Less beastly.
“Fuck,” he said, in that low, sexy voice.
I blinked.
He released my legs altogether, just slowly enough to make sure I didn’t collapse.
Then he stood up.
I watched him warily, not sure what he would do next. I still didn’t even know what was going on, yet he’d bitten me, and somehow made me climax when he did.
It was insane.
Ridiculously, stupidly insane.
Without another word, he crossed the room.
Now that I could see, I looked around the space and took it in quickly. It was built like an apartment, with a decent-sized kitchen and living room, and a single bedroom. There was a bathroom in the living area, so I assumed there was another one in the bedroom.
Jasper disappeared into the bedroom for a moment.