Savvie sighed. “I’m so sorry. Iwish there was something I could do to help. It’stoo bad that the healer witch can’t heal her broken heart.”

“This isn’t physical.” Beth laughed. “I haven’tquitefigured out how to figuratively put my finger in people’s brains, swish it around, and make things right. IfI could do that, I would be a gazillionaire.”

“You want to know what’s reallyironic,is that Taryn will likely meet her father and never know it.”

Savvie stuck out her bottom lip in sadness. “I hate that for her.”

“On a more amusing note, the rodeo queen walked up to me and wanted to know why I was talking to Conner.”

“What did you say?” Savvie asked, grinning.

“I just told her that he was complimenting Taryn. Shewarned me tostay away fromhim because he was a bad man.”

“Oh, brother. Soundslike someone has a bad case of jealousy.”

“Yep, and besides a smack in the back of the head, I don’t have a cure for that either.” Beth laughed.

After Savvie went home, Beth looked in on her peacefully sleeping daughter, who, despite all her protests about being grown up, was clutching a teddy bear tightly against her.

A million “what-ifs” exploded in her mind.



“You had a great night last night,” Gideon said.

“Thanks,” Conner replied as he brushed Zephyr. “You would think that I would be used to it by now, but my legs are sore today.”

“You’re getting old.” Gideon laughed. “You know you can’t do this forever, and there isn’t exactly a 401k for cowboys and cowgirls. What are you going to do?”

“My brother, Zac, wants me to help him out. However, his best friend is his lieutenant, so to speak, and runs the security and takes care of all policing matters. That’s not my thing, anyway. I just don’t think that there is a job in the pack that requires someone who can ride horses and bulls that want to kill them.”

Gideon laughed.

“I guess I’ll just go down there and find some land. I can do some ranching or raise and train broncs. I don’t know. What about you?”

“I can always join the circus,” Gideon said. “Rent myself out for birthday parties.”

“Circus? Maybe. You can wear one of those flowers that squirts water, big shoes, and a nose that honks while you throw buckets of confetti on the audience. Birthday parties? Is that even done these days? Most people are terrified of clowns, and when I hear clowns and children’s birthday parties, I think of John Wayne Gacy, the serial killer.”

“Maybe I’ll come join you on your ranch,” Gideon said.

“You know that you would be welcome any time,” Conner said. “It would make retired life more interesting.”

“You could always settle down and have your own pack of youngins,” Gideon said.

“Well, that would require a woman first. I’ve not met a woman yet who has captured my heart.”

A weird look passed over Gideon’s face, and then he slapped Conner on the back. “You’ll find the right women when you least expect it.” He looked up and grinned. “As a matter of fact, a wannabe candidate is on her way over right now. That is my cue to leave.”

Conner looked up and groaned. Kelly was walking his way. She was wearing a pair of tight jeans and a blouse that was unbuttoned so low that it left nothing to the imagination. A determined look on her face made Conner wish that he could just run away like Gideon did.

She sidled up to Conner and tried to pet Zephyr. The horse took a step to the side so that he was out of her reach.

“Stupid horse,” she muttered.

“Animals are a good judge of character,” Conner said, petting the horse.