Damn, I’ve missed him. Iwould do anything if I couldjustfeel his arms around meone more time.

She watched him walk away, wantingmore than anythingto run after him and tell him that they had met before.

Not a good idea, Beth. Lethim go.

She had practiced a million times what she could say to him if she ever saw him again. Ifshe told him the truth, he would think that she was crazy. Bethhad considered telling him that it had been a one-night standandhe got a daughter out of it, but decided that was an equally bad idea.

“Just let it go,” she told herself.

The problem was that shehadn’t been able toget over losing him the first time.Now, he just walked out of her life again.

“Who was that man?” Taryn asked.

Beth jumped, put her hand over her heart, and then laughed. “You scared me.”

“I’m sorry. Whowas that man you were talking to?”

“He was just a rodeo guy who saw you competing and wanted to tell me how great you were.”

“If hewas saying thatI was great,thenwhy did you look so sad?” Taryn asked, sitting next to her mom. “You looked like you are about to cry.”

“I’m fine,” Beth said. “Maybe a little tired.”

Beth hated lying to her daughter,butthere was no way she could tell Taryn that was her father. Then, Beth would have to explain the entire situation,andTaryn would want to meet him. Thatwould cause a whole bunch of chaos and drama.

Taryn looked as though she knew Beth wasn’t telling her the wholetruth,but she didn’t say anything.

“I’m done for the night. Doyou want to go home?” Taryn asked. “I just need to take care of Pegasus.”

“Sounds good to me.Ifwe leave soon,we’ll have time to watch a movie tonight.”

“I’ll be right back,” Taryn said and ran off.

Despite herself, Beth scanned the area,lookingfor Conner. Sheknew that she shouldn’t torture herself, but she couldn’t help it.Shehad dreamed about him for the last eleven years. Herheart ached every time she thought of him. Bethhad said, over and over again, “If only I could see him one moretime,then I could get over him.”

One more time wasn’t good enough.Sheremembered every contour ofhisbody. Herfingers itched to trace hishardchest muscles. Bethcould almost feel the ecstasy of their bodies pressed together as they became one.

She moaned in the back of her throat and closed her eyes. Bethleaned over, her elbows on her knees, holding her face in her hands. Herheart screamed for Conner. Timehad not diminished the love she had for her cowboy.

“Ma’am,” a woman’s high-pitched nasally voice said.

Beth looked up to see the platinum-blond beauty queen standingin front ofher. TheRodeo Queen. Whatdoes Her Majesty want with me?

She didn’t want to talk to anyone. Bethwanted more than anythingto be ableto go home and deal with the shock of talking to Conner again.

Instead, Beth plastered a smile on her face. “Hello.”

“I’m Kelly, the queen of the rodeo.” She said the words like she expected Beth to get down on her knees and kiss her hand.

“Beth.” She didn’t offer her hand. Therewas something about the woman that seemed off.

“Your daughter is an amazing competitor,” the woman said. “She was especially great at the barrel racing. Thegirl reminded me of myself when I was younger.”

“Thank you,” Beth said. Shewascertainthat thewoman hadn’t approached her to talk about Taryn.

“I noticed that you were talking to Conner.”

“Yes,” Beth said simply.